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Nick Sweeney

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Everything posted by Nick Sweeney

  1. Trip: North Early Winters Spire - Chockstone Route (II+ 5.7) Date: 9/10/2016 Trip Report: This was a fun day out on a surprisingly devious route for 5.7. The spire saw three other ascents while we were there - two parties climbed the West Face while another was on NW Corner as we hiked out. There is apparently a new rap route down the West Face that is vastly superior to the standard descent of the Chockstone Route. Full trip report and photos on my blog: AlpineLines
  2. Trip: Prusik Peak - West Ridge (III 5.8 w/ var) and through-hike Date: 7/16/2016 Trip Report: This is an awesome route for intermediate alpine rock climbers looking for a long, adventurous day. Our car to car time was 19 hours, and a party of three worked well to split up gear. Check out my trip report HERE. Sorry for the blast of TRs lately - I'll try to post them as I write them in the future!
  3. Trip: Paisano Pinnacle - West Ridge (III 5.9-) Date: 7/23/2016 Trip Report: I thought this was a great route! We originally wanted to do the Paisano-Burgundy linkup but ran out of time. However, the W Ridge of Paisano is a worthy rock climb in its own right. Full Trip report and gear notes HERE.
  4. Updated with a link to my blog post. I had originally written up a report specifically for CC but it was lost due to the bug, and I'm too lazy to rewrite it
  5. Hey guys, I had written up a report for the site but due to the bugs it disappeared! You can read my full trip report HERE.
  6. Nice! Did you get any other pictures of the North face of Dragontail?
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