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Nate G

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Everything posted by Nate G

  1. Interested in the irvis front sections and the BD sabertooths if they are still available.
  2. Bump
  3. Has been an awesome touring setup for myself, but I need to downsize my ski quiver! 185cm G3 Zenoxides mounted with Onyxs for 275-305 bsl, in great shape with no core shots. Had a base grind and tune last season, and there are a couple professionally repaired chips on the top sheet of one ski. Skins are G3 alpinists and are practically new, got them halfway through last season and they maybe have 5 days on them. $400 shipped
  4. Another price drop.....$225!
  5. Bump for price drop.....$290
  6. Bump for photos
  7. These boots have about one season of light use on them, maybe 20 days total, and are in great shape. Perfect for anyone who ice climbs and gets cold feet, or has big Alaskan dreams! Selling because I want Scarpa 6Ks, or G2s.....liners have been heat molded once, but there's a ton of foam so I wouldn't be surprised if you could get 3-4 more molding cycles. Will post pictures in the next day or 2, PM me with any more questions!
  8. Selling my basically new small Patagonia Knifeblade Pullover, it has only been used twice as it is too small for me. An amazing jacket, my loss is your gain! Price: 125$ + shipping from Bozeman Message for more photos.
  9. Your hope is correct, i was able to use them this weekend at the Bozeman ice fest and felt that they were very similar to the quantum techs with greater clearance for bulgy ice and slightly more weight in the head. The swing felt very natural being that most of the weight is in the head and the tool requires very little momentum to get good sticks (think Nomic with pick weights). The hammer does seem to be more useful, but i didn't place any pins so i can't speak from experience. Grivel picks are absolutely the best in the industry....the saying "twight proof" comes to mind. Grivel picks also come detuned for mixed climbing so they require less initial modification than conventional picks from BD and petzl. As a side note, BD picks are know to break when torqued hard into cracks..... If I had total freedom of choice on my gear (i.e. unlimited funds) I would only trust my life to petzl and grivel, at least when it comes to crampons and tools. http://coldthistle.blogspot.com/2013/02/grivel-crampons-respect-is-due.html Customer service will be top notch with grivel and petzl too.....BD may replace your gear but the problem will likely be pushed under the rug.
  10. Hyalite is in...way in. Things are phat here and it's only a 14 hour drive
  11. Bump
  12. I have a basically new REI Arete ASL 2 man 4 season mountaineering tent.....it only has about 5 days of light use and comes with all of the original components. Its a great value for a good mountaineering tent, based off of the Hillberg Jannu 2 (a bomber tent)! Price is 200$ plus shipping from Bozeman Montana PM for more pics
  13. Nate G


  14. Nate G


    I have 5 Black diamond turbo express ice screws and 2 omega pacific/smiley's ice screws.....all are in great condition with sharp teeth/threads and no rust (one of the smiley's screws has some light pitting on the hanger, nothing to fret about though). Ive only used these screws a handful of times so they have minimal wear, teeth haven't been drilled into rock and they are all still as sharp as when i got them. Lengths for BD screws: 1x22cm, 2x16cm, 2x,13cm. Lengths for Omega Pacific 2x16cm. Looking to sell the whole lot for 200$ but will consider piecing it out......i live in the greater Seattle area and can meet up until Thursday after that i will be in Bozeman, then we will have to figure out shipping/ paypal details. SOLD
  15. Sure dude....been working a lot lately but we should head out to index one of these days, hit me up when you get a chance.
  16. Way to go, Ryan! What solo belay system are you using?
  17. Took my girlfriend up for the first time on Friday and Saturday, we made the summit but the route is way different than usual years. Rather than going straight up to the football field and over to the black beautes the route goes around (to the right if you are looking up from hogs back) of heliotrope ridge, then descends into the edge of the football field basin and continues around staying as high and close to the black beautes as possible.....it then does a bunch if switchbacks to avoid crevasses until you hit the pumice ridge. Pumice ridge on it looks like normal conditions but everything below looks way worse than a normal late, hot august. Even with all the craziness of the boot pack there was only one 3 foot crevasse to jump.....so just count on the route being longer than usual and no camping on the football field like normal. Someone did camp under the black beautes alongside the bootpack I wouldn't recommend this due to roackfall danger....good luck!
  18. Bump for next week
  19. I took the whole month off from work and in between traveling and school stuff I'm hoping to get out and get after it! I was looking at the west ridge of forbidden, south buttress of cutthroat, north ridge on baker, ice cliff glacier, ptarmigan ridge or stuart glacier couloir, but to be honest with ya I just want to get climbing....been way too busy the last month! So I am open to your ideas. Hit me up with what you think.....and if we jibe well I'm also looking for another regular partner for the rest of the summer! Nate G
  20. Thanks Smack! I need you to hurry up and come back, all my partners have left or are busy for the next couple weekends!
  21. Impressive to say the least! It's awesome to see how quickly the general opinions (or at least my opinion) of colfax have gone from "a choss pile" to "a choss pile with some badass ice and mixed routes"!
  22. Nate G


  23. Nate G


    Hardly used Nikon D40x dslr with a Nikkor 18-55mm lens and a Nikkor 55-200mm zoom lens. Also includes a nikon bag that carries everything, 3 sd cards, battery charger and cord, and a camera cleaning kit. I still have the original box if you would like that too. This camera has seen little usage due to that fact that I need something much smaller and compact, however it still takes amazing photos and gives awesome quality at a fairly reasonable price. This is a great package at an awesome price point for someone looking to get into a dslr, everything you need and more is included! Will consider trades or partial trades for a sony rx100, any model. Email me if you have any questions or for more pictures! Price: $225 http://seattle.craigslist.org/sno/ele/4993167604.html
  24. I haven't climbed it...or even gotten near it. But it looked like there was still a little snow but it is still ass cold in the shade up there. It was 19 degrees when we got there and we were still getting barfies when when we were in the shade....in the sun it was great as long as there was no wind!
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