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The Slayer Hippy

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Everything posted by The Slayer Hippy

  1. you are not being very objective..
  2. [video:youtube]_AMS3XNK9CU
  3. this is racist
  4. you are missing a ball.
  5. Ruger Arms Inc. Prescott, AZ. Just picked up another one last week. i guess handguns are useful if you're planning some domestic terrorism. or if you just need to have a weapon concealed on your person because you never know when you might need to knock over a 7-11 or a bank. Arizona to allow concealed weapons without permit [video:youtube] [video:youtube]l_TeYqvpk-A
  6. [video:youtube]12idObDl2DE
  7. you are not a racist and neither is the bill
  8. you're gonna put a sail on your car?
  9. how fun, what have you soloed in squamish ?
  10. looks like your mom. good one
  11. a border.. is a border.. is a border. we all set boundary's and wish them to be respected. a douchebag is a douchebag is a douchebag- my boundaries include bitch slapping cunts like you. now go and fuck some sheep teabag asshole. wow, you must be quite the BadAss. looks like a barked up the wrong Twig
  12. what kind of car do you drive slick?
  13. a border.. is a border.. is a border. we all set boundary's and wish them to be respected.
  14. well i know a few black dudes and a bunch of jews... get over it
  15. i was thinking the same thing about climbing n' the internet. fuck it
  16. fallacy???
  17. i'm thinking that you should stick to smith link ups dude
  18. looks like a Chia Pet in the early stages of growth....
  19. and he walked on down the hall....
  20. and injins
  21. that's cause you're a HIPPY
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