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Everything posted by ktschmid

  1. found! thanks
  2. anybody wanna let a n00b follow you on a route up beacon tomorrow (9/2) morning? getting cabin (indoor rock gym) fever. can follow anything 10- or less, but anything would be great/appreciated. denalidave will concur that it at least appears that i can climb and that it at least appears that i am not psycho =) . morning is good, i gotta head back from beacon around 3:30. give me a call at 910 599 3988 up til 1am tonight or after 8am tomorrow.
  3. pm'ed bout pickets
  4. anybody used any of the grivel tools? have any thoughts bout them? i really like trogs idea of a matrix light w a slider
  5. im gonna have to agree w water on the inexpensive pants and i would add inexpensive gaiters (cheaper than front points) if you're just getting started because unless you have experience walking in crampons from somewhere else, or you have ballet-like grace, you will probs put a front point through your BD front points.
  6. this is all great info. just so happens i was climbing this weekend w someone who had a (new but not the newest) quark w the pinky rest on, and an older grivel racing wing w a slider (which i recognized due to having looked up trogs great suggestion). they said the grivel was plunging way better and they preferred it for the conditions today. so basically i have to decide between noah's suggested trade-off, sacrifice quality plunging for a tool that i'll be happy w on the really steep stuff, which kinda comes down to how fast do i want to go steep. such choices, thanks for all the great info, still thinking
  7. i cant go saturday but ive dreaming of getting somebody to be a rope gun so i could follow on this route. going to hood tomorrow but if the weather is crap like it might be maybe ill be back in time to go sat, and if so im pm ya, but, then again, you'll surely have found a partner by then. good luck finding somebody, have fun
  8. thanks for all the great advice! that new quark looks pretty great but is a bit out of my price range unless i find a used one. does the lack of a pinky rest (or any other type of rest) on the aztar make it hard to go leashless? i don't know if im so crafty as to make a pinky grip. i wonder if the grivel horn would fit on it... NoahT what you say makes sense but i would still wonder about how well some of those (nomic or fusion) could plunge? by open mind to technique do you mean no more plunging? Is there anything you all have used where the pinky rest switches/detaches so as to get out of the way pretty easily, maybe w/out a tool (like is needed on the quark)?
  9. this probably could go in n00b but i thought it might get more attention here: i'm starting to get to the point mountaineering where i'm climbing stuff where i'm either borrowing a tool from someone or wishing i had a tool (to second w along with an axe). so now, naturally, i'm thinking of buying a tool, but low and behold, there are 786597659875 different styles and types! Advice? B4 WHAT ARE YOUR GOALS?... here are my goals, well, more like thoughts. i'm just starting and i imagine i will want to move along to all kinds of climbing, mixed, waterfall, you name it, but my wallet cant even handle thoughts of a "quiver" so id like something really versatile. that beign said, right now i'm concentrating on mountaineering. a lot of stuff ive read says most folks eventually go leashless, but i also want something, that, when i get a second tool, i can leave the axe behind and still plunge into the snow with the shaft. i was thinking that for now i want a single tool that i can use along with an axe, but maybe this is a bad idea, and i should get two tools at once? most importantly i need something on the lower $$$ end. this post is way too long for anyone on here to have actually read this far =) thanks
  10. Hey Ed, wanted to say it was really great climbing with you. again! soon!
  11. I was thinking of heading up the SS this weekend as well, well, I was thinking of heading up the North side till I read this: http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=45.36266359991396&lon=-121.70379638671875&site=pqr&smap=1&unit=0&lg=en&FcstType=text which says, at 9000', a low Friday night of 57! can anyone let me know, with it being this warm is even the south side not feasible? will the old chute be a mess of icefall even way before sunrise? thanks
  12. sent a pm
  13. There's a port-o-john at the top of the palmer i think
  14. Hey! Glad to see you made it to the summit! We (the party of 3) were so confused when we got to the top of the SE ridge and saw your tracks just DISAPPEAR (when you went into the moat I think). We couldn't see you anywhere. We were very confused. We ended up only doing part of the terrible traverse because we accidentally mistook a random chute for the bowling alley and headed up too early. When we got the summit of that chute and saw that we missed the real summit by a long shot, we decided, due to it already being mid morning and the deteriorating snowpack, to call it. We were so confused by the fact that we couldn't see you anywhere, we thought you two had been abducted. Nice pics! Thanks for the great TR which solved our mystery
  15. also sent a PM
  16. Would be a later start, I'm driving up from Portland if someone would want to share a ride. 910 599 3988
  17. saw those, they are awesome deals but i'm looking for a 65
  18. WHY WONT IT COME BACK??? i'm really hating constantly checking that site for it but i just keep imagining it cycling back through
  19. since nobody seems to have a used pair there is this deal http://store.everestgear.com/421100.html?productid=421100&channelid=FROOG
  20. i might head up helens for the first time sunday, has anyone been up recently and could recommend crampons, snowshoes or both?
  21. Anybody wanna head up helens, worm flows / swift glacier route, though monitor is fine if its accessible by then, on tuesday the 4th?
  22. hey theres one on craigslist down here in portland, maybe you could convince them to ship just the stove http://portland.craigslist.org/wsc/spo/1703055808.html
  23. BRAND NEW - still in box, never even been laced up ACOPA Unisex Legend, white, MSRP: $160 $60 for pickup in PDX, that +shipping to where ever else Men's 8 - 8 1/2 (I found they ran small) Women's 9 - 9 1/2 You can give me, Karl, a call at 910 599 3988 in case you don't know how to google-- Climbing.com Review: http://www.climbing.com/print/equipment/2009_shoe_review_-_august_2009/ From Mammoth gear's site: The Legend is the Rolls Royce of low top trad shoes. From slabby dime edges to hand and fist cracks and off width, this shoe will not dissappoint. Featuring a stiff midsole for all around support and a padded leather collar, this shoe will generate footwork confidence in the toughest situations. The Legend is built on the popular Spectre last shape for ultimate performance and all day comfort. Whether you're a hard core trad climber or just a beginner, you will love the fit and feel of this exceptional shoe. (heh they misspelled disappoint)
  24. weather!!! now with the road closed to adams and helens with no chance of being plowed until NEXT WINTER, i'm wondering what kind of mountains i might be able to climb which are non-technical, fun, and perhaps have glaciers somewhere on them so that they qualify to get me into the Mazamas (this will give me a better chance to get on some of their climbs). oh yeah and also the roads are clear to the trailhead. also important. i imagine old snowy and ives peaks are pretty snowed in atm too. and yeah i'm gonna wait till the avy level drops too. any recommendations?
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