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About frankstoneline

  • Birthday 11/26/2017

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Gumby (1/14)



  1. Did the thread title get changed after this...? I'd put money on Ashima, maybe something more local for the route, Jaws II in Rumney is probably a reasonable contender (doesnt require international travel, crimpy bouldering etc etc)
  2. I've heard rumor of tickets being handed out for parking without pass on the shoulder. There are plenty of enjoyable routes to be had in the coulee, though it certainly doesn't appeal to everyone, and it isn't world class by any stretch of the imagination. Steer clear of sunshine wall and the associated CF and you should be fine.
  3. I've had similar thoughts, I like my original grigri better than the grigri2. I like the way it feeds and handles better, plus the size fits in my hands better. Also: if you buy a used one just make sure it has the green dot on the bottom (opposite the rope holes), meaning it's been inspected/repaired. Also the recall issue was non critical providing you maintain good belay form (you should) while using the device. Another thing I've noticed is that the 2's seem to get a wear groove along where the rope passes before entering the device while lowering and I havent noticed near as extreme wear on my old one despite having many many pitches run through it.
  4. I searched a bit and have seen the link to the excerpt from riggins limestone. I'd like to pick up a copy but dont know when I'll be able to, so I figured I'll ask here. Considering a trip to riggins to check out the limestone for the long weekend but i'm trying to get some more info before I spring into this. Curious as to how much availability there is in the 10/11- range in the riggins area, enough to keep me busy for 3 or so days? Any beta would be awesome, thanks in advance.
  5. Anybody have good recommendations for camping in the north bend area. Being as I now live in the tri cities I'm not quite daytrip driving distance but trying to spend the weekend there this weekend. Preferably free/cheap spots somewhat close to the crags, but anythign will do really.
  6. I dont intend to rant, but I'm going to. Saturday afternoon I was out in the icicle bouldering, and somebody's kids had made short work of everything under the 4 foot line with bright colored sidewalk chalk. Now, I'm all for taking your kids outside and letting them experience nature, but for chrissake, please keep them in check, they ought to be able to entertain themselves without making a mess of things.
  7. wait till it gets cold and they go sleepy sleep.
  8. Pulled a draw off a route on corn wall in vantage and found a pair of women's footwear. Describe the stuff and get it back, located in ellensburg.
  9. The guide cost me almost as much as the new red rocks guide, which is gorgeous, as i said before, mine is up for grabs if anyone else is looking to head down to nor cal.
  10. Chris and others, Just got back from the trip. picked up a copy of the bigfoot country guide (for future reference in case someone searches get at me and i'll pass it on). Poked around at moonstone beach a bit and tried a couple times to find crags in the hills inland from the coast though the guide proved pretty useless and i'm fairly certain at least one of the approach descriptions was quite a ways off. Next time I'll have to work a bit harder to find someone with some experience there.
  11. I wear a 10 street size, bought miura's in a 43, wish I would have gone down to a 42 i think, maybe even a bit smaller. I've been recently climbing in a pair of katana laces which I've found incredible for all sorts of climbing. I think a 42 is what they are and they are comfortable enough to wear for several pitches but tight and sporty enough for tough pitches. My preference over the miuras for that sort of stuff, though YMMV.
  12. I've heard/searched up some stuff, headed out for a road trip soon, wondering if anyone has some suggestions for climbing near the PCH or on the beach/could suggest books or guides. Thanks in advance.
  13. or tieton, hell you could just go tramps around in the brush on the side of the road and be satisfied for a lifetime probably...
  14. maybe interested in the OR synth puffy if it;s a medium.
  15. interested in trades? PM me.
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