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Everything posted by Jordan

  1. I'd like to get down to Adams this weekend. One day push. I live in Seattle.. give me a ring who ever... 206-351-5585 The following weekend I'll be doing a single day push on Rainier if anyone is interested.
  2. Yeah. I'm probably down. I just got back from a 60 mile trek from port angeles to Quinault so I'm feeling a bit rough but let me get back to you tomorrow..
  3. I don’t know. I've never don’t that route. Know nothing about it. Looks a little technical. Definitely need to rope up. I'm down for just about anything though.
  4. What route were you thinking about on Adams? Would you be interested in doing it in one day rather than two?
  5. I'm game. I live in Seattle though but have a car. Have a rope but no trad rack. I'm a good solid climber in good shape. Give me a ring if you're interested or email me jordanpaulmiller@msn.com 206-351-5585
  6. Take a deep breath man. No one is going to call you arrogant. haha It sounds like you're in plenty good shape to do the mountain. Its only another 5+or- hours past Muir. You might have better luck finding partners though if you post a specific weekend that you'd like to do it. There have also been quite a few posts looking for partners in the next week or to and I suspect that there will be at least one or two a week for the next month or so. Crevasses are getting big so sooner is better...
  7. Me and a friend are heading up Rainier but are doing it in one stretch. Planning on leaving Paradise at 8 or 9, getting to Muir at 11 or 12. Taking an hour or so to boil some water etc. and then leaving for summit via DC at 12 or 1. We'd like to either meet up with someone else that would like to do the same or someone or a group of someones planning to do it in two days just so we have a rope team to rope up with. I did Rainier a couple of weeks ago and felt great. Got to the summit and didn't feel sick or overly exhausted. My partner is an Ultra marathon runner and runs 50+ mile races. We're both in good physical shape and would like to meet up with someone who knows that they're fit enough to summit.
  8. Still looking for one more.. Looks like we'll be leaving early friday morning and heading to muir and then alpine start on saturday to head for summit. Would like a third..
  9. Well it looks like jmo is in. And yes, sigs, we are looking for a third. Give me a ring. and not-so-clever, I'm sorry, we're slogging it. I'm afraid I'd kill myself on skis. haha
  10. Give me a call. 206-351-5585.
  11. OK, so I had planned on going up Rainier via south cattle route this weekend but my climbing partner busted his ankle last weekend! I'm 27, in good shape, some (although not a lot) of glacier experience but have climbed up to water ice 4. I did Hood solo two weeks ago and felt excellent. I'm not an asshole and I dont complain. I'm looking for a team to join or even just a partner. I'll climb any route. I just want to summit this weekend. I can leave as early as Wed. evening and dont have to work until Monday (Had planned for a 4th of july summit but am open to whatever). I can drive. Basically just a guy who wants to climb this fucking mountain who just lost his partner! haha
  12. I might be down. When are you looking to leave/return? I'm more for an over night. Long drive to just go for the day.. I havent had the money to invest in a trad rack yet, but I do have gas money! Shoot me an email or a call. 206-351-5585 or jordanpaulmiller@msn.com
  13. HMMMM, Baked goods... sounds interesting... I like baked goods! Climbing is OK too. Especially when followed by BBQing over a campfire with a beer or two. I can sport lead up to 10b-c. Can lead trad too but haven't ventured into spending my life's savings on a trad rack yet. haha I'd also be down to get some good hiking in while out in Leavenworth. (I tend to feel a bit sedentary when I spend a whole day just climbing) If you're interested, feel free to email me. Jordanpaulmiller@msn.com
  14. Hey Cornfed, it doesnt look like weather conditions will allow anything to be dry today at the exits. As for monday, I'll shoot you a line if I end up getting back into town on sunday.
  15. As it turns out, all of my friends are otherwise occupied and tied to the city this fine weekend and I need to get outside! Anyone looking for one more person to go climbing with? I'd love to get out to Leavenworth or Index or ANYWHERE and camp out for the weekend and do some climbing. I'm fairly new but a solid climber. Will lead up to 10c sport. I'd even be interested in a summit push if that's what it takes to get me out of the house this weekend! I've got wheels if that helps...
  16. Thanks for the pointers Rob. Not looking to take any classes though. Just cant belay myself up the rock... well i guess I could, but that would be a pain in the ass and not much fun. haha As far as my abilities, not having been outside, I dont know how the ratings compare, but I'll try anything! I'm even down for climbing in the rain. Not much deters my enthusiasm...
  17. I'm looking for people to go climbing outside with. I've been climbing in the gym, mostly bouldering (Comfotable with ropes though), but have yet to get on any outdoor rock. I'm a pretty strong climber for having just started (strong on V4's and breaking into V5's) and have done a little Ice climbing up in Canada this winter. I have wheels so I am willing to drive. Have weekends off but can take week days off at will too. Anyway, I am looking for someone (or a group) to go climbing with. Always down for hiking/snowshoeing/camping/mountaineering/anything too.
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