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Hugh Conway

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Posts posted by Hugh Conway

  1. #46) "proper speed"


    Though must always drive 10 mph under the speed limit (20 mph in a work zone) unless you are within 300m of a traffic light turning yellow. At this point gun it, but be sure thy vehicle enters the intersection after the light turns red.

  2. when is JayB going to post about how this could be avoided with all-private transit and the free market?


    dru can aver to my affinity for the top, porter. Mclity could as well, but I suppose he tells you I'm a bottom.... like he says he loves you

  3. If mom wants the whole family to get together for dinner that’s fine but I’d rather do it for a family member’s birthday instead of Jesus’s.


    Some might say Jesus is in your family and its his birthday..... :wazup:


    I didn't know minx was hispanic. Figures, she's kinda spicy.

  4. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/transportation/344154_streetcar20ww.html


    SUV collides with new streetcar




    SEATTLE -- One week after it was officially placed into service, the new South Lake Union Streetcar on Wednesday had its first accident involving another vehicle.


    The streetcar collided with an SUV about 7:45 a.m. near the intersection of Mercer Street and Terry Avenue.


    Seattle Police Captain Steve Brown said the driver of the SUV ran a red light while the streetcar was crossing the intersection.


    No one was injured in the collision and the streetcar was moved from the intersection shortly after 8 a.m.


    "It did some superficial damage on the front," Brown said. "It's a high-tonnage vehicle, so likely not much damage at all."


    Brown said the streetcar will be back in service as soon as it's inspected by Metro officials.


    It's not the first hitch the streetcar has encountered. Last Wednesday the streetcar had to be stopped after a ball bearing was found jammed into one of the tracks.


    The 1.3 mile line has 11 stops where the streetcar passes every 15 minutes. From the Westlake location, it heads to Fairview Avenue North and Ward Street, and then back around.

  5. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/344157_avalanche20.html


    Searchers suspend search for snowshoer lost in Mount Rainier avalanche





    Rescuers have suspended the search for a 22-year-old Lynnwood man who disappeared in an avalanche while he was snowshoeing on Mount Rainier Tuesday.


    Poor weather conditions complicated the search Wednesday for Kirk Reiser, an Edmonds Community College student from the Alderwood area in Lynnwood.


    Reiser and Troy Metcalf, 23, also from the Alderwood area, set out on snowshoes toward Camp Muir, but turned back close to the tree line, possibly near Panorama Point because of bad weather, high winds and visibility problems, said Mount Rainier National Park spokesman Kevin Bacher.


    "They did the right thing by turning back," Bacher said. The avalanche hazard was labeled "considerable" Tuesday, but not enough for the park to prevent hikers or skiers from tackling the popular route, he said.


    About 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Reiser was leading the descent when he triggered an avalanche on the mountain's south slope and was swept away. Metcalf searched unsuccessfully for several hours before hiking down to report the incident at dusk.


    At daybreak, 17 rescuers from the park, from Olympic, Tacoma and Seattle mountain rescue teams and from Crystal Mountain Ski Area began scouring the mountain. The search included two search dogs experienced in avalanche recoveries.


    The window of survival for someone buried in an avalanche is only 30 minutes, but it's not known whether Reiser was buried or carried away and trying to hike out.


    Both men are experienced snowshoers and were prepared for a day hike, but not overnight conditions. Neither carried an avalanche beacon, which would have made it easier to locate Reiser, Bacher said.


    Metcalf was able to lead the search team to the avalanche area he had marked with a ski pole. But deep snow, poor weather and even higher avalanche danger limited what could be done.


    They narrowed the search to a 3,000-square-foot area near Edith Creek Basin a mile above Paradise at about 6,000 feet, Bacher said.


    "The conditions continue to be bad in the field, both today and tonight and it looks like tomorrow as well," he said. "So while we do anticipate that there will be some teams out in the field tomorrow (Thursday), we probably will not have large numbers."


    They plan to wait for a break in the storm cycle, probably on Friday, to resume a wider search and possibly perform some avalanche control work to make the surrounding areas safer for rescuers, he said.


    Reiser's family members have begun gathering at Longmire. About 50,000 to 100,000 people use the park during the winter for its pristine wilderness. Last year, there was one avalanche fatality in the park.

  6. Are you really arguing that an ADR you hold isn't a portion of your property? Gazprom's ADRs = done by Gazprombank which is not owned or controlled by the state. If you wish to research fact, feel free. Until you've established some basic knowledge of contemporary Russian corporate structure this exchange will be rather futile.


    Because we argue that state control of a company does not inherently reduce political liberty I'm arguing that liberty can't exist without it?

  7. If the state or its proxies own a controlling stake in the outstanding shares, then the state is as much the owner of Gazprom as the Ford Family is of the Ford Motor Company.


    Controlling interest vs. Owner. A shareholder is an owner.


    You, Crux, et al seem to be arguing that political liberty increases in direct proportion to the state's control of property - whatever form that may take.


    No, we aren't. That's the strawman you continue to erect each time this issue comes up.

  8. We are talking about formerly private assets that have been seized by the state, and are presently controlled by the state, and are being used to further the state's ends - then they are part of the state, not autonomous corporations owned and governed by private citizens. Pretend that this is "placement of power into the corporations," and not the state eliminating actors that have the capacity to check the state's power if you wish.


    OGZPY is a tradable ADR - ergo, I'd consider it a private asset. I'm not sure when "corporation" became synonymous with "freemarket capitalism". The two are not one in the same.

  9. What has characterized the economic aspects of Putin's regime hasn't the seizure of private assets by the state or it's direct proxies, not an increasing limitations on the state's capacity to do so, or to direct the economy by other methods.


    I'm not sure what you are trying to say there.


    Energy - sales of coal, oil & natural gas - has funded Russia's resurgence. Putin has worked hard to place control over energy in the hands of the state, both through market methods and by using the police to force others out of business (see Mikhail Khodorkovsky and other Oligarchs). Once he secured energy into the control of the state he's used that as a weapon - against Europe, the Ukraine, and Bylorussia. His economic blackmail of Bylorussia may result in his directly staying in power.


    So, if you believe fascism is the placement of power into the corporations, he's a fascist alright.

  10. -cars that tail bikes; day or night, rain or shine. DONT FUCKING DO IT


    Curious about this one. Could you elaborate?


    Do you mean the cars that are hanging behind a bike waiting for a safe place to pass? If so, WTF are the cars supposed to do? Take an alternate route? Just pull over and wait for bike to get out of the way? Go home, skip work? Perhaps plow right through, endangering/killing the biker?



    Or do you mean more specifically, cars that follow too closely for your comfort?


    I'm curious as well. One of the "I don't need lights" bicyclists insists on biking in the middle of the road.

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