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Hugh Conway

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Posts posted by Hugh Conway

  1. And for income inequality...


    how about a fat fuck who milked the capitalist system he spits on to make his fortune so he can sit at home "doing whatever the fuck he wants" - sipping martinis, climbing, and skiing, living like a king, and brags about it? how's that for income inequality, tittie boy? :wave:


    still bitter?


    I'll make sure the Maybach driver pelts you with cold rain on your bike ride home tonight. Or if it helps I'll remind you the free marketers creedo "if you are wealthier you are obviously smarter and just down right better - poor people suck"

  2. Ummm, Walmart CEO got nothing on Steven Schwarzman.


    And for income inequality, try one Mukesh Amabani's new pied a tierre. I wonder if its high enough to escape the stink of dead bodies in the Mumbai slums?



  3. We quietly gave up those missiles in Turkey after the Soviets withdrew theirs from Cuba. We also issued a public promise to never invade Cuba. Kennedy/we did not win the famous Cuban Missile Crisis.


    Silly me, I thought we one it because we didn't annihilate each other.


    Well that and our leader wasn't deposed because of losing it.

  4. or if you consider innocent men, women, and children being worked or starved to death somehow better than the Nazi methodism.


    If you would care to pick up a book on twentieth century history .... you would realize forced labor, starvation and execution was a Nazi methodism.


    oh, never mind.

  5. Nazi associations or reference is in very poor taste - and just plain wrong historically.


    As such all communist references by the tighty-whitey-righty bunch are declared null and void.

  6. http://www.startribune.com/local/12938741.html


    Feds fire up search for D.B. Cooper again


    The FBI has issued a new appeal for help in finding the mysterious man who parachuted from a Northwest jet with $200,00 in 1971.


    It has been more than 37 years, but the FBI hasn't lost interest in Dan (D.B.) Cooper, the man who parachuted from a Northwest Airlines jet over the Pacific Northwest while clutching a bag with $200,000 in ill-gotten gain

  7. Steep: The Story of Big Mountain Skiing is scheduled to play at the Varsity Three in Seattle starting on 1.18.07. Some awesome ski mountaineers (Anselme Baude, Patrick Vallencant, Lou Dawson, Andrew Mclean) and some good footage.


    Hollywood Man voiced preview:



  8. Absolut vodka is about 100 proof, so would freeze at -25 F, which is starting to get chilly, I think. I don't know if that's cold enough for cold injuries on contact with your throat, though.


    Absolut = 80 proof


    The sourdoughs in the Yukon carried hipflasks for a reason. Russia has problems with cold injuries and Vodka.

  9. Here's a question for Feck: Is flotation purely a function a total ski surface area? ie: shorter/fatter floats as well as

    longer/skinny surface contact area being equal? I call upon your experience and math/physics knowledge to settle this ongoing argument I'm having with my brother.


    Yes. Longer skis = more stable at speed. There's been at least a half dozen cycles of short & fat vs. longer & skinnier or just longer in the past century of skis.

  10. hey this place makes me want to hang myself from time to time and that mouse cord sure is handy


    I prefer my hands for auto-erotic strangulation, less risk of death

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