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Hugh Conway

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Posts posted by Hugh Conway

  1. well you've got the 2 hour closer but for 10 bucks more whistler has 38 lifts compared to 11 and over 8000 acres to crystals 2000..I dunno I think Valu-Wise Whistler has you beat



  2. Anyone know where I could get a copy of "Sinners"? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?


    Best ski film I've seen, far and away.


    "Snow Falling on Sinners" was distributed by www.bhandf.com you could e-mail Bill, or I might be able to burn you a copy

  3. I mean they're obviously going to have a train stop at the Lake City Fred Meyers.


    They'd never build a train station in Lake City. The local vagrants, bums and winos would be up in arms about the new vagrants, bums and winos the train station would attract.

  4. Dengue fever turns out to be an excellent way to lose weight quickly, by the way. Can somebody post this in the weight-loss thread?

    Come home early & charge $500 a kiss :kisss:

    I could use to loose a few pounds.


    Good to hear you are on the mend Rob. :D

  5. They were clearly bound, gagged, and couldn't so much as blink to communicate their sentiments during the briefing:


    "Individual lawmakers' recollections of the early briefings varied dramatically, but officials present during the meetings described the reaction as mostly quiet acquiescence, if not outright support. "Among those being briefed, there was a pretty full understanding of what the CIA was doing," said Goss, who chaired the House intelligence committee from 1997 to 2004 and then served as CIA director from 2004 to 2006. "And the reaction in the room was not just approval, but encouragement."


    So they had a grand total of 1 hour to digest everything being told them, formulate a concrete cohesive rational opinion and voice their objections? :lmao: :lmao:


    If this is the sum total of your argument, have you thought about becoming a CIA analyst? :lmao: :lmao:

  6. Per your second point - it's not as though they had to have a quorum before speaking their mind. This wasn't a spending bill where they had to pick their battles and count their votes. They were in a closed hearing, where all they had to do was open their mouths. They didn't - so those present, which include Pelosi - are in absolutely in no position to claim the moral high ground after the fact.


    They were in a briefing not a hearing. The difference is substantial - at a briefing you listen. At a hearing you ask.

  7. Had the democrats involved in these hearings said the same thing at these hearings when they had the chance, there'd be no story.


    Uh, they weren't allowed to have the Prisoners lawyers speak, the Republicans blocked it. Oh, and the only member giving praise to Gitmo was the respected and influential representative FROM GUAM



    This is farce. You standby and cheer as the Democrats were systematically pushed out of the legislative process in the house, then blame them because they weren't a strong opposition party :lmao:

  8. Political reasons - yes. Moral reasons - no.


    "The secret authorization of brutal interrogations is an outrageous betrayal of our core values, and a grave danger to our security. We must do whatever it takes to track down and capture or kill terrorists, but torture is not a part of the answer - it is a fundamental part of the problem with this administration's approach. Torture is how you create enemies, not how you defeat them. Torture is how you get bad information, not good intelligence. Torture is how you set back America's standing in the world, not how you strengthen it. It's time to tell the world that America rejects torture without exception or equivocation. It's time to stop telling the American people one thing in public while doing something else in the shadows. No more secret authorization of methods like simulated drowning. When I am president America will once again be the country that stands up to these deplorable tactics. When I am president we won't work in secret to avoid honoring our laws and Constitution, we will be straight with the American people and true to our values

    -B. Obama


    does betrayal of core values count as "moral" in your book?

  9. I thought only 3 people had been waterboarded by the CIA?




    "For all the debate over waterboarding, it has been used on only three al Qaeda figures, according to current and former U.S. intelligence officials"


    So it's

    "we don't torture"

    "we waterboard, it's vital, but it's not torture"

    "we destroy the evidence of what we don't do"

    mmmm I smell bullshit


  10. You are confusing ought with is. It ought not be a partisan issue, but it clearly is.


    When did Peter Hoekstar become a Democrat?

    Representative Peter Hoekstra, the Michigan Republican who was chairman of the House Intelligence Committee from 2004 to 2006, said he had never been told that the tapes were destroyed.


    “I think the intelligence committee needs to get all over this,” said Mr. Hoekstra, who has been a strong supporter of the C.I.A. detention and interrogation program. “This raises a red flag that needs to be looked at.”


    I realize viewing every opposing position as partisan hypocrisy makes life easy for you, it doesn't make you right :wave:

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