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Everything posted by adamsbud

  1. QUOTE,"...for those in the know, that pin down low that protects the 5.11 move just before the bomber cam ripped." ???? wtf- bomber cams rip?!?!?! bold or stupid?? hmmmm spray'prentice Registered: 06/30/03 Posts: 2978 TRs: 13 Photos: 19 QUOTE, "Let's not confuse "Bold" with "stupid". over the years, a bolt has less impact on the rock than subsequent pin placements and is substantially less safe. For a 5.13 climber to argue that a manky pin made the climb more exciting is kind of silly." Thanks for that comment! It's about time someone said this. Elitist attitudes are like a kid in high-school who puts down others to make themselves feel better than everyone else. When did the high school attitude take over climbing?!?! Some people would argue that seat-belts don't save lives either..... I'd rather have a long and injury free climbing career, after all you're not necessarily going to die if you deck or ledge. Modern medicine has GREAT ways of keeping you alive for another 15-20 years in a wheelchair or a hospital bed even if you're a vegetable!! We all know that elite climbers are "Heroes" to the rest of us but come on use a little common sense! How exciting does it feel to get your carcass dragged off the wall by search and rescue after you the "elite" break your back? Search and rescue are the "elite" because they are the professionals who use their safety equipment to go places because we the climbers are so often "stupid".
  2. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHWWWWW My hero! This is so sweet!
  3. Looking to go to Cathedral Wall creek to do the traverse and possibly the 8 pitch route on Grimface??
  4. Yeah Marc when are we going to go and try this pillar of pie? Or the east ridge?
  5. Yeah we were only three and wanted to get the really dense stuff out of the way so we could continue with the truck. We got all the way through to where the road Dru refers to branchs right and back to the Chamoix approach. My paint job will never be the same but it beats the hell out of the Alder approach from hell!
  6. Reyhard, do you mean Reinhard Fabische? You know him? The man the legend.
  7. "While I think your choice to bivy 12' off the ground was a stupid one, we agree on this. But people make choices. Sara Palin made hers, and you made a descision to stick your head up your ass, and bivy 12' off the ground. Good thing that a troop of Girl Scouts happened by, and rescued you. " Hey I know someone who did this in Harrison bluffs....and yes he was a Moron.
  8. The next Chouinard and Beckey??? Maybe hmmmm think about it.....
  9. That looks awesome!! Can't wait to try it. BTW were you guys working that last summer when someone above started dropping rocks off the top? Not me but someone I knew....he was gonna base jump go figure..
  10. There is a new approach to these climbs. Take Anderson main as usual than turn right up into the valley than take next right up towards the Anderson group. This new approach detours south at the point the overgrown logging road splits and heads north towards Chamois. Follow the flagging if it's still there. Or if not follow the logging road as per the guidebook but instead of turning back north and following that road go straight south until you reach old growth forest. Than climb steep bank and climb through the open forest until you hit the rock slide below les cornes. Hope this helps. We usually drive all the way up to the point where you turn and backtrack towards Chamois. Than we walk, my paint job has never looked better!!
  11. If I remember correctly that is the little seaside cliff by the navy base?? If so, it's all toproping and easy to set up. Had a lot of fun there when I was young and didn't have money for a big rack or a lot of driving. There is also sport area somewhere around there, call the local gym for directions. Have fun!
  12. Looks like an M.C. special to me, dyno for the bolts iiiiieeeeee!
  13. Way sikk!!
  14. You guys are sikk!!
  15. Confirmed by those in the know! Still nothing wildly spectacular yet. Just a 3 and a 2. And the wish that this topic had never even been posted.
  16. Thanks again Dru, good eye. But you should hide your lines better, so they're super super duper secret!!!
  17. Thanks, those looked like really fun SUPER SECRET lines. :kisss:
  18. Maybe it should've been called missed opportunity, sounds like you're jealous Dru ! You should've come with us, you opted out...I think Cheam climber is razzing you a little for that!
  19. This is by far one of the truly funniest posts I've seen on here. Us parents need to dream ey?
  20. Hey Dru how do we find the climbs in the Hell's gate area. Looked in the guide, wasn't much mentioned. The Westcoast Ice site doesn't say enough to locate most of these.
  21. Never a shortage of jealous couch/internet surfers to put things in a contentious mood! Try getting out and doing some climbing...don't worry we'll share eventually dun dun dun!!!
  22. aaaaaaah man I was a shoe in with my Baker route!! That sucketh
  23. All I can say is go synthetic and save a duck (or five hundred) Insert sob here....http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/images/icons/default/cry.gif cry
  24. Well that's a rap folks. I enjoyed all the input. I especially liked the Golden Rule bit! I think that sums it up best. Merry Christmas!
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