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    the king of cities

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Gumby (1/14)



  1. torn acl on 12/16/07. i made it to 87 in '07. redux starting 07/08.
  2. Eric, Thanks for the reply, I'm going to intensify my research!
  3. Hi All, I took a skiing spill after hitting a hidden stump before the big dump last week and just got the MRI info back on Friday. Doc tells me I need a new ACL and is asking which one I want patellar tendon autograph or allograph. Any opinions from those that have had the surgery - from what little I've read on the web it seems the allograph is the way to go with the only draw back being a slight chance of post op infection. (the surgeon is recommending this as well) And, I'm relatively new to Portland and went to Doc. Crawford at OHSU. Anybody get cut by this guy and have an opinion? Thanks for any info.
  4. as of july 6 - you had to hike up 100 yards then just skin through the resort. no one says anything to you. just stay our of the wendells area and your good to go.
  5. timeberline early. skin to crater rock and makr oh..... 200 turns before you hit the parking lot. nice workout!
  6. always stay on the westside in portland... much safer.
  7. This guy has a few days in. Ski's alot and I got to 65 over the past two months. getting tired of the southside crowds. but the snow is still good. (early)
  8. last saturday & sunday were corn extravaganzas on the white river glacier. just watch out for the ski camp kids at the resort. they all have helmets.
  9. I've got 45 - but I didn't start the year until Feb 1 - so I'm going for 100 between Jan 1 & Dec 31, '07.
  10. so you’re been cutting through the resort to get to wy’east? (saw a couple tracks above superbowl on sunday - if they were yours – nice… I was the the track to the east). I was up there wednesday last week and a snowcat was working above cascade so I dropped into lower heather. my question is… if I’m on the resort “mt hood meadows” and it’s closed – am I trespassing or do they look the other way? side note. sunday I stopped and took a look at ski bowl and there were a few tracks coming off the top – same question - when the resorts close is it fair game to poach a few?
  11. hi, relatively new to portland/hood. does anyone know the penalty or restrictions for skinning up the heather access road to poach some of the goods? just wondering because I’ve been doing this during the week – now that the resort is closed monday- friday. there is a weird warning consisting of an athletic tape sign with a sharpie inscription at the lowest “heather closed sign” just above the parking lot that warns of a “$500 fine for any uphill travel” can I trespass into heather or not? thanks for any info.
  12. They stuck out of the top of the Koflacks about 4” causing me some concern with rubbing on both calf and shin (unconfirmed on the following). I took them for a lap under the Palmer lift and they just felt sloppy… something about not being able to cinch the inner boot with a lace, I’d be concerned front pointing on WI. Anyway, might work for others – sideways.com was great about returning them and refunded my money completely. At that price it may be worth the effort to see if they work for others.
  13. IMHO the morrows are too tall for plastic boots. I ordered a pair to replace the liners in my 15-year-old koflack vario’s and returned them.
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