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Everything posted by pink

  1. he gets cranky when his church is closed, he snapped at me the other night cause i was tappin on my phone while on speaker
  2. Please get Jim out there, that would make me happier than anything. Thanks, Andrew
  3. I talk to Jim pretty often and i'd say he knows what's best...
  4. and i dont remember putting the second pin on smoke signals.. i would guess that was put after Jim and I finished the route... i think the first pin was a sawed off BD Angle..
  5. The first pitch of smoke signals originally starts to the left of where you did ... i put the fist pin in for direction and so nobody thought they discovered a route and bolted it it was retro fitted. The second pitch of smoke signals has always been that, i think IVAN went right with a bolt ladder up towards the top and i went left up to a tree. Typically free climbs aren't renamed to aid lines but whatever What sort of fixed gear were you thinking on smoke signals?
  6. I've only met IVAN once but i've heard a lot about him... silence was never a word used to describe the pale shreck... I see the "moment of silence" thing was removed bwhahahahahahah
  7. Yeah, I was just teasing Pink cause he was so prickly on the 2nd ascent/renaming of his Barney rabble route by Ivan and everyone. It's good you are outing your lines Andrew, otherwise these kids will bolt them, get the FA, and name them again for you:-) I have a lot of shots of Ivan on the (second) FA:-) Here's one sorting our shitshow. Somehwere up there the lines diverge for sure. But who knows. That's why folks need to document it. BTW, at Jim's birthday party, Jay Kerr, Jeff Thomas and I wandered over to the N side and Jay pointed out a line he and someone else did back in the day. Micah, THERE IS NO WAY I would have seen that line if Jay hadn't pointed it out. In fact, Jeff and I were staring at it and barely able to see the potential. Anyway, Jeff remembers names and dates if folks tell him (prod prod) so have him point that out and give you the details if you are interested. Theres some lines on the west side that have been done and disappeared from history. I was standing there with JO years back and pointed out a possible line, "Oh, Avery did that one." At that point Avery had been gone for many years....sigh. We'll never know a lot of that history with folks like Avery and Jeff Walker passing away. Folks like Wayne Wallace moving out to bigger and better things etc etc. That big ass 5.11 multi-pitch line that Tim Olsen use to have in his book he called the "Mystery Trail", was a Beacon route starts just right of Lost Warriors. Sounds like Josephs Lost Warriors route may climb part of the upper part of it from the description I got. So speak up and share Andrew. I was to busy taking blotter and climbing to document jack back then....
  8. The route in the "cave" that Ivan is talking about with the two bolts is called "Cry Baby" 5.10+, there is a route to the left of that around the corner called "The Forbidden Slab" 5.10, both of those routes meet at the top to the big tree. The route to the left of Stone Soup is "Smoke Signals" 5.10, it has one pin in it that i retro fitted for direction and so nobody came along later and bolted it I'd say there are three routes (maybe two) in between "Stone Soup" and the "Forbidden Slab". Oh, and "Smoke Signals" has a second pitch that it shares with "Stone Soup", it cuts left at some point, we attracted quite the crowd that day including a few of Skamanias finest, a bunch of stupid tourist and the assistant ranger who we referred to as Barney Fife. Jim and I dubbed the pitch "Barneys Bullet", if you don't get this reference, you might have been having ur ass wiped for you at that time It would be cool to see those routes in between developed with minimal fixed gear... It would also be cool to see the first pitch of "Stone Soup" free climbed, there was a few of us the top roped it 16 years ago and it's proly 11+...
  9. Low hanging fruit eventually falls from the tree
  10. jeebus i miss that shirt... looks like you spilled a box of burgandy on it
  11. i thought this ledge was exclusive to little people
  12. i've been on this pitch
  13. There are other less contrived routes lower down on this wall as well
  14. i spy a Beacon Rock Lifer
  15. that's cool! but now i'm gonna drunk call your ass
  16. Not Really
  17. Big Government vs. Local Government do you have words of wisdom to solve this eternal conundrum? both are essential, no? the ratios vary: guess it's what ur into, do you fuck dogs, or do you fuck dead people?
  18. My driving concern all along - but when all you do is shit talk the people and the process this will be the result every single time. Politics and Sales 101 / Politics for idiots. Good stuff Kevbone You have an incredibly poor grasp of the word 'legal' for a guy married to a lawyer as long as you've been. What ever dude. I had a long chat with Randy Kliene today. He basically told me there is absolutely no legal reason to keep the rock closed other than beacon is a protected place for other reason like sensitive moss and so forth. There is one guy who is the director of Washington Fish and Wildlife who makes the call. One guy. He follows the direction of a committee who simply follows the status quo. So we need to reach out to him Directly and educate him. So he makes the right call and brings Beacons bird closures in line with the rest of WA. Which as you know is not in line. Good Post Kevbone!
  19. Big Government vs. Local Government
  20. Did you actually apply to be on the committee? The invite was out there and open for anyone. I talked to Randy a couple times last year, and I honestly feel like he really does want to help us out. Of course, that's hard for him to do when he hits government AND climber resistance at every turn...Let Bill and the crew do what they were appointed to do. Sure, bring it back up later in the year, but at least give them a freaking chance to do the work. Bill thinks the climbing plan will be up by summer time. I, for one, am for trusting Bill to work with the crew and do a good job representing all of us. Kevin isn't questioning Bill... He pointed out that #billsourdude
  21. Kevin wasn't selling Bill short negro
  22. 1kN i still have my wallhaller... and you'll have to take it from my cold dead hands but seriously i thought u were a purist and shit well it makes sense, u pull that shit bare fuckin handed,.right?!
  23. http://corvallismountainrescue.org/media/pre-2000/search.korn/jonathan-korn.search.html ...same spot exactly? HAHA...Nice find!
  24. Pardon me Negro ;)I'm really not trying to deny Adam of anything... Although i do appreciate his efforts, and your post. All I know, Tupac and Biggy are dead and Beacon has never been the same since.
  25. oh, i have a different impression....
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