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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Initiatives that are sponsored across both sides of the aisle have a much better chance of survival. Standard procedure if you can work it.
  2. You just described the Buddhist tenet of letting go of desire. They punted God out of the equation to come up with it, however.
  3. People often feel the need to respond for me, which I choose to take as a form of flattery. Re Dederek's posting, some thought experiments: The universe is defined as all there is, by definition. Therefore God must exist within the universe. Therefore God must have created the universe, which includes himself (being/gender used for brevity - no implication of the nature of God) This is no different than the paradox of how a Godless universe came to be. Conclusion: Leaving God out of it makes no difference whatsoever. Another one: All that happens in the universe must obey physical laws, even if they are, as yet, unknown to us, or unknowable to us if they are, for example, outside of our light horizon (which an increasing percentage of the universe is due to expansion) Do the workings of God obey physical laws? If not, then one believes in magic. That's cool, but it would be nice if people would just state that directly. Few do. If so, then God is just another undiscovered physical phenomenon. What makes him God, then? He's certainly not a God by any Earthly definition. Look, if you need SOMETHING to pray to, how about the sun? That's about as big and all powerful as it gets round here, and you can actually experience it every damn day. No arguments about whose right or wrong, no oppressive religious hierarchies, no made up bullshit. Nothing wrong with keeping it simple. Me: I'd go with an infinite number of Gods: big ones (the sun, earth, moon), and wee ones (tree frogs, flowers, ticks, viruses). But then, the universe would just be what it is now with some new nomenclature layered on top of it. Exactly.
  4. I was born wrong the first time, but its what I got.
  5. Taxes paying for schools run by non-profits? Sounds like an mile wide opening for taxes paying for religion (as it is in many other states with charter schools). And boy, has it been in other states. Have charter schools outperformed public? No credible evidence on that one. NO THANKS. If we've got a public school quality issue, fix that. Look at the endorsement list. Pretty short on the charter school side. Yes, I realize the public education system protects its own, but initiatives with practically no endorsements tend to get my NO vote - too narrow a special interest gene pool. It stinks.
  6. Anyhoo, back to the OPs post; Mall Man was actually acting rationally in context. If youre a loon, would you rather stand on a strreet corner a scream about the coming alien apocalypse, or stand in a mall and scream about End Times and be applauded by millions of your fellows for getting The Truth out to the Unsaved? Drive thru crazy is a lot less work than home cooked, too. Mall Mans just doing things the American way.
  7. Hmmm Where have i heard the cant prove a negative argument before?
  8. Perhaps, but i save a lot of time by cutting and pasting from the previous 10 times ive beat this glue horse to death.
  9. Figured as much. The tranny kept talking about 'safeguards'. Hmmm. Why would u need those? Also, pulling the plug on non-performing schools. Now theres a system that cant b rigged! Tranny never mentioned jebus. Now Im pissed. Nay it is, with feeling!
  10. Theres a reason why kristians also believe the USA is the greatest nation on earth, the End is Nigh, and guns make us free. The fuckers just BELIEVE shit. They dont bother to check under the hood.
  11. Raised catholic. Used to b a brand of christianity before the born agains staged a hostile takeover of the franchise. Now ebbybody gonna burn except d nutterz. Ive got home court advantage mfkrz. DOUBLE AGENT.
  12. One doesn't have to know all that is out there to know what isn't. Atheism requires no faith whatsoever. Quite the opposite: all it requires is not giving a shit about the patently ridiculous. If I had a nickle for every Christian who tried to tell me what being an atheist is all about - but you don't get to do that unless you actually are one, no? This atheist can certainly tell you what Kristianity is all about, however. I was one for 20 years. Glad that lie is over. God is whatever the believer wants him to be. Autistics believe that God simply keeps molecules in stuff in their proper place. There are no people involved at all in their theology. Radical muslims believe that God is vengeful. Born agains believe the God hates fags. Universalists believe that God loves fags. Every God fearin' monkey believes that God is on their side, even when they're at war with other God fearin' monkeys. Hmmm. Wonder where the pattern is here. And yeah, I had a friend who flatlined on the gurney, too (haven't we all? They seem invariably to enter into this kind of discussion at some point). He didn't see jack. Of course, he's an atheist, so that follows, eh? During the movie "Touching the Void" the interviewer asks Joe Simpson if he thought about praying during his 5 day ordeal. "No". The guy in back of me got up and walked out. I wonder if he was offended by Mr. Simpson's lack of gratitude towards God for pulling his ass out of the eternal dumpster. I just saw a guy who pulled himself out using the power of human will, which never ceases to impress me. Sprinkling magical Goddy dust on such a feat to 'explain it' is as insulting as it is infantile. Finally, I believe the concept of the soul is our greatest conceit (not lack thereof). What, starts die, galaxies die, the universe dies, but we live forever? Bitch, pul-eaze. Ya die, ya rot - just like everything that ever was. Seems perfectly fair to me.
  13. I basically hate people in general and kids especially, so I want the latter to suffer as much as possible prior to entering adulthood, which seems be about age 45 these days. The Basement Creature has only got 2 more years of public schooling so this thing won't affect him much. Charter schools - an Rfuck idea, no? Which of course means its got a hidden agenda about 400 layers deep, so I'm inclined to wipe my arse with it. Still, I know nothing of the issue other than that my eyes glazed over at a League of Women Voters debate (I was there to get the church ladies to schmoke legal bowls of high grade Washington State Weed). The two screeching harpies, one a dwarf educational blogger (against), the other a lanky tranny with a JD (for), as she helpfully reminded us about 9 times, seemed ready flay each other, so SOMEBODY must give a shite. The Rfucks say 40 states have them, which means fuck all since almost as many states have anti-gay marriage laws thanks to the Beelzeballsuckers. That's why I'm outsourcing my vote to you, Big Man. Yay or Nay? TIA
  14. Someday she'll probably kill me in my sleep with one, but until then...paaaaarrrrtaaaaaayyyyy!
  15. Count me my GF Colleen in with hand tools. Don't own power stuff.
  16. tvashtarkatena


  17. tvashtarkatena


    What, DOEs don't need fences, too? MYSYGYNYST.
  18. tvashtarkatena


    Grim... The Myth of Exceptionalism
  19. tvashtarkatena


    I love...too much. Speaking of love, and The States role in same: DOMA's lost 7/7 federal court battles so far. Next stop: The Supremes. Absufuckinglutelyobviouslyunconstitutional law from the gitgo, as all of the GOP's attempts at religious tyranny are, so this should come as no surprise to anyone. The majority ruling explicitly differentiated between 'holy matrimony', which the State cares not a wit about, and 'civil marriage'. Why Kristians give a shit about controlling everyone elses civil marriage is utterly beyond this hairless monkey. More Saving America for God I expect. The State has no compelling interest in engaging this form of discrimination (duh). Still...what a nice surprise!
  20. tvashtarkatena


    Does anyone else find this shit ironic in light of how much Polish Bob, etc. criticizes Fox News and the Republicans for being so intolerant of other opinions? No irony in differentiating bullshit from adult analysis and reporting. Just keeping it real in an unreal world.
  21. tvashtarkatena


    I'm trying to channel my inner Linthwaite - that rare, detached bemusement at the human comedy, but as an Irishman, I must have at least one thing at all times to feel depressed about. Actually, the election's still looking good the Big O. Haven't followed the governorship race. Interesting piece in the NYT on the Gallup pole outlier thing. FOX headline may be TOUCHDOWN ROMNEY! but historically, that poll hasn't done too well when it's out in right or left field from all the others. But hey, them's just a buncha librul numbers.
  22. I'd watch the Biggest Loser if only Moore and Rush would go belly to belly. Winner gets to do either Anne Coulter (Moore) or Arianna Huffington (Rush). MONEY.
  23. 'Rare condition makes man's scalp look like human brain'
  24. tvashtarkatena


    Why, oh why, did I ever post that?
  25. tvashtarkatena


    BOOM! Court ruling against the Defense of Marriage Act
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