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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Hint: They have an auto-bleeper for words like sh##, so some posters have taken to calling each other 'azzholes', and they allow no political discussion. I'll give ya one guess which side of the divide they lean towards. H-E-Double Hockey Stix!
  2. Perhaps one of our token republicans can shed some light on why electing a presidential candidate who stumps for guys like this is gonna make America better place for all. Or we could head on over to NWHikers for a dip in the Whitie Tightie Sea.
  3. Same argument was used to support slavery (from Jacoby's 'Freethinkers') Given how often Massa dipped his quill in the black ink well, it seems that God's Will very often scored a two-fer. I'm always happy, rather than outraged, at statements like this from the GOP. More than half of voters are women, so keep em comin'!
  4. Redacted State Department email! FUX HEADLINE: THEY KNEW, OR SHOULD HAVE. Yawn.
  5. The WA governors race is neck and neck, and may well be one by a few hundred votes or less, like the Gregoire/Shitface election in the days of yore, which was won by 127 votes. This kind of effort will be the deciding factor.
  6. Any of you...homos...who wanna walk a precinct or two and get out the vote for The Kenyan, That Guy Running for Governor and Gay Weed: Wa State Democrats volunteer page It's fun, good exercise, and a great thing to do with the kids! Meet the deadbeat public! The Dems give you a script "hi, my name is Tvash. Please vote Democrat or my malevolent spirit will haunt your progeny for all time", a 'walking list' (infrequent registered Dems who need a friendly kick in the lazy ass to fill out their ballot), and a pamphlet of endorsements. IMPORTANT: Carry a book of stamps and give folks and offer to put one on their ballot envelope if the don't have any. This greatly increases the chance they'll vote, actually. It's the new version of offering to drive folks to the polls. As hokey as it sounds, this is the number one most effective activity that wins or loses close elections. Old Tvashie'll, being the Super Patriot that he is, will be out there with a team of 4 making sure that we never, ever have to watch Mitt Romney's lying ass on the tely ever again. Love yallz!
  7. Somalia's for hire. Given our really shitty ranking in the world regarding life expectancy (which has fallen for Pink's blue color Patriot buddies by 4 years), average adult height (3" shorter than Europe), infant mortality (rising), number of folks who have no health care, obesity, and rising alcoholism (see first category), we shouldn't notice too much difference at a greatly reduced rate. We're number 30!
  9. Yes. Trying terrorists in our court system, which works fine, thank you very much, is also progress. Partial progress. That's what you almost always get in politics or any other human endeavor. Perfection is, of course, a myth reserved for Sunday school.
  10. Nobody wants Gitmo closed more than I do. Not even the guys imprisoned there. There is this thing called politics, however. Presidents are constrained by it. There is also this thing called national security. Presidents are constrained by that, too. And that pesky Congress, with all their bickering and voting and democracy n shit. I realize that Ron Paul would have closed Gitmo, returned to the gold standard, and fucked Pamela by the end of Day 1 in office, but non-Super Heroes are bound by gravity, the speed of light, and need to poo every once in a while.
  12. 1) public schools aren't monopolies, and they certainly aren't unaccountable by any stretch. You can buy your way out of them if you wish - on your dime, of course. I don't want to pay for your 'premium services' (if, in fact, that is what private schools are - the vast majority are Kristian Indoctrination Centers) 2) How human of you to compare a very human experience like education to a factory process like food production. Speaks almost as loud as your WHITEASIANINDIAN comment. Look, ya don't think much of African Americans. We get that. 3) Schools should not 'compete' for students. They should serve their communities and the society at large by educating them. Some communities are poor, have a lot of new immigrants, and have other challenges. These communities should not be left behind for basic moral reasons, if nothing else. Under your scheme, they will be. Abandoning whole communities because they 'can't compete', particularly in a property value driven funding scheme, widens the gap between rich and poor. You're down for that, and we get that, too. Fuck those who didn't get that head start by being born lucky. Some of the rest of us see that as the slow motion, justice raping, job destroying disaster that it is, however. Your ideas are an insult to the basic American value of equal opportunity for all, particularly children, who cannot be blamed for the circumstances of their birth. I think you mean well, but then, so did Hitler. And yes, that was obviously a joke. Regarding 'financing religious higher education', um, that's a loan that gets paid back with interest, not my tax dollars going out the door for good, last time I checked. Higher education is also not compulsory for all. Another PEOPLE = POTATO PRODUCTION argument. You can do better than that. I can in my sleep, and I'm just a dumb ass Irishman.
  14. Yup. Rehabilitation = higher cost of goods + new customer acquisition costs. Run it like a bidness! Let's all dip our beaks! Hey, JayB - how do feel about private prisons, since you be lovin' state funded private schools? US BLACK FOLK WANTSTA KNOW, CUZ MAYBE WE COULD COMBAHN UM FO 'FFISHUNCY. GRADE 13, YA KNOW?
  15. Not only was Romney sportin flip flops but flannel pajama pants, as well.
  16. Not exactly a 'levity' thread, but that was really, really funny, Rad. Everybody else, take a breath, take yer ego out for a walk, and wish the poor guy some good healing mojo, eh?
  17. This isn't just politics, this is Fashion, Porter.
  18. Actually, making a lamp out of ice would be very cool. Not sure a chain saw would be necessary...a drill with an 'anal offender' (18" x 3/8" bit) would probably do the trick. Good idea, Obwan!
  19. BIAS ALERT Fashion designers steering clear of Anne Romney?
  20. Here's to a full and speedy recovery to our injured comrade.
  21. tvashtarkatena


    ever seen the USS Oregon in Philly? teak decks, more polished brass than a thousand fern bars, and a captains/stewards quarters to DIE for. Projecting power was never so awesome We need more of that kewlness bitch. Naval artillery: accept no substitute.
  22. tvashtarkatena


    Expand the Great White Flight!
  23. tvashtarkatena


  24. Does it matter? Nevermind.
  25. We should start trying to run every aspect of our society like this. Oh, wait, we are...and it's sucking. N CUT N RUN FUM ANAE PROLLUM THAT DA FREE MAHKET CAINT FIX. DOEN GTTZ ME WRONG, US BLACK FOLK LOVES US SUM FREE GOODZ N SOIVICES!
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