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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. The price we're all paying is opening up the paper and reading about 20 dead kids. So that some fucking tools can own their assault rifles. Unless your a psychopath, shit like that makes everyone's life worse. It makes the world a worse place to live in.
  2. Sooo....where were you when: We got rid of habeas corpus, tortured people, kidnapped people and sent them to countries that torture, put the entire US population under surveillance, militarized our police, denied 6% of the population the right to marry, restricted a woman's right to choose, expedited deportations.... Now that the gun thing is upon us (took the deaths of a bunch of kindergarteners to even discuss it seriously...Christ), the Tighties who voted for Bush are all screaming their heads off. I mean, cry me a fucking river. The Right in this country doesn't give two shits about human rights. Quite the opposite.
  3. It stops when it starts making sense. It doesn't right now. At all. The 'can't carry a pocket knife in England' (newsflash: a lot of US cities have a 3" blade ordinance - it doesn't seem to have c created the collapse of free society as we know it) sounds like another bullshit innernut soundbite...originating either from the NRA or the RNC, probably. Like all that shit about how wonderful and free Switzerland is. Look, gun control is coming. Civilization will not end. Your life will not change significantly (if it does, you probably needed a new one, anyway). Get used to the idea. It's time. Finally. If you live in such a shithole that you're worried about being attacked in your home, get a shotgun, or how about a fucking dog, and STFU already. Or get some psychiatric help if the paranoia's that bad. The rest of us are tired of paying the price for your craziness. Yeah, that AR15 was fun to shoot. Tough toenails.
  4. Revolvers, 3 shot rifles, and shotguns are all any gun lover needs for any purpose. If you can't hit 'em in six shots, or twelve if you're going all OK corral n shit - you're a bigger public safety hazard than your assailant. Gun lovers may want unrestricted access to any weapon, but that costs the rest of us too much. Sorry, it's a national security issue. I'd love to see the prez stuff a splintery dildo up the NRA's ass. No organization, save perhaps certain fundie churches, deserve it more.
  5. Fucking sheep is no joke. It must be done gently, compassionately, and, above all, discreetly.
  6. any Portland arborist chip suppliers you'd recommend? Sounds like what the solution always is for invasives: Dig n mulch.
  7. A friend of mine was gifted a 1959 BMW motorcycle, found under a thicket of blackberries. He was a BMW mechanic at the time - he restored it and rode it to Nova Scotia and back. Still one of the best looking bikes I've ever seen.
  8. Which Governor's daughter do you have to molest to get that job?
  9. Well, Hell, if I have to file a DHS disclosure I might as well pick up a few hundred pounds of ammonium nitrate and blow them out...then fill the craters with Crossbow. Marscaping is kind of what I'm after, here.
  10. The advantage of goats is that there's someone to blame.
  11. Perhaps I could partially bury bottles of Thunderbird next to each plant and leave some shovels out.
  12. The local homeless population would have them on the barbie right quick. They sweep through like the tide on a daily basis. Blackberry density not high enough anyway. I like the flamethrower idea, whether or not it works.
  13. I like fire.
  14. So far I've cut and painted them with Roundup - they seem to like it. They come up here and there - no dense thicket...yet. Looking for a Plan B. My thoughts so far: Spray paint "SECESSION NOW!" on the garage door, toss a live grenade into the street, let ATF do the rest. Establish a Homicidal Goat Shelter. "Himalayan Berry Farm and U-Pick Auto Parts, LLC" Kudzu.
  15. we should annex kanuckistan while theyre still pussies
  16. So do you take personal responsibility for the death of your son? I've managed to avoid posting this thread, until now... Probably one of the most insensitive comments I've ever seen kirkw. Sadly, not real surprising coming from you. EOM Hey dougd. Go fuck yourself with a bushmaster you hypocritical piece of shit. How's that for sensitive? Sorry to interrupt the little group think experiment you guys had going here. Good luck on your witch hunt. KirkW and Pink...Two tools in action, ladies and gentlemen. Yes, the old 'immediately turn the dial up to 11 to quash the debate' tactic. A Righty standard. As if there's nothing that can be done - like banning assault weapons, secondary market gun sales, requiring federally licensed gun sellers to have an actual store, and monitoring the same way more closely, stringent, federally mandated background checks for gun purchases, improving access to mental health services... Nope, Merka's Perfect Right Now, so if you've got some ideas for making it a better place, I'll start my leaf blower of a brain and drown you out. I've got my freedumb to have my ARs and AKs (hardon for jargon), and if a few kids...OK, quite a few kids, now, have to die so I can stroke my ammo clips, then God Bless America. Nice.
  17. the simplest solution is usually the right one. if a military base was shot up DHS and congress would be all over it. Little kids? We'll see I guess. Gun freaks overwhelmingly vote GOP. this is why voter suppression laws in some states allow CWLs for voter ID but not student IDs. the right to own an assault rifle is pure electoral politics.
  18. Nope, but you can punish. end, remove, and deter it. Force of law does that every damn day of the week.
  19. Weird kid + lots of guns doesn't seem like a good choice to me. A smart kid can get into any locker, no? No guns in the house solves at least that problem. More folks should choose this option. The idea that most people are responsible enough to secure an assault rifle collection is ludicrous. People are generally idiots, and people who tend to be into assault rifles tend to be a bit off to begin with. That's reality. I realize that the Right Wing World doesn't include much of that, but there it is. A pro gun culture, and ours is certainly that, has brought us lots and lots of random and nonrandom gun violence. We're going to continue to disagree, so its up to the sane majority to out lobby and out vote the insane minority here. People who are really serious about actual home defense should have a shotgun and no more. Yes, that's gonna mean forcing them to make some changes. So cry me a river, already.
  20. As uzhe, the cherry picked graph shows the opposite of what's actually happening. Thank you for yet another installment in a seemingly inexhaustible supply of bullshit. We've done this experiment - where everybody not only can carry freely, but are encouraged to do so. It was called the Wild West - and the gun violence rate was through the roof. You guns nuts are costing the rest of us way too much in support of your personal fantasy of shooting your way out of the coming zombie apocalypse. Your rusty million gallon tank of craziness has leaked out over the entire country for long enough. It's time the rest of us traded our security for yours through the political process. Every time this happens, you're partly to blame. Fuck you.
  21. FWIW The mother was really into guns and took her son to the range on a regular basis. The kid was well trained to shoot. Bottom line is that a lot of folks don't show much in the way of warning signs. Weird doesn't equal homosidal maniac, at least not most of the time. The only other policy solution is to more tightly restrict gun ownership - as many other countries have successfully done, to reduce the number of guns out there and therefore the amount of gun violence. It works in many, many societies. Argue all you want than gun control will do nothing, but you know that's utter bullshit, given the huge body of international data to the contrary. Yeah, better mental health care is also important, but no one can tell me that ready access to guns doesn't alter the tactical equation for folks who are about to Go Big and Not Go Home afterwards anyway. People go crazy in other countries. They just don't use assault rifles on crowds when they do it because its harder to get one. I guess you could say 'fuck it, its only 26 people out of 300,000,000. Just one crime. Bummer, but not one that warrants a federal response. I would argue that such a nightmare is so unspeakable that it erodes the well being of a greater part of the world community. Its too much. The incidents are too frequent and increasingly terrible. Our society, as a whole, as gone a little too insane. Long overdue federal action must be taken to address it. The majority of us who seem to be able to live secure, satsifying lives without guns demand it. Not hard.
  22. My home defense plan is a 50 lbs solid steel sculpture with 3 spikes sticking out of it. Just toss it down the stairs at an intruder and plan on lots and lots of plaster/carpentry repair afterwards.
  23. I'm not confusing anything, but you're mixing up your military/private gun ownership stats in Sweiss. Also, you're apparently not aware of how restrictive private gun ownership is in that country as compared to the US. Night and day. Look it up. Finally, Switzerland is also having the gun control debate due to gun violence. They don't have as much as we do, but its still enough to make even their restrictive gun ownership policies controversial.
  24. Speaking of crazy... No. Switzerland does not have liberal gun ownership laws. Citizen militia is issued weapons and the owner had better not open the sealed ammo boxes unless the country is attacked. This is a common NRA spawned lie. Thanks your for being their parrot.
  25. I was socializing with some of the neighbors last night. Turns out Sean, six doors up the street, is from Newtown, CT. Needless to say, he was pretty rattled.
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