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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Bwaaaaa-haa-haa! No one is trying to force you back into the closet KKK, least of all the ACLU. We fully support your agenda.
  2. Just in time for Christmas:
  3. Hey, man, the left side of the bell curve needs a prezz'dent too.
  4. Correction: The boy scouts will not admit gay boy scouts, either. Full disclosure: the Boy Scouts first got me out of the house and into the mountains. I owe that organization a life long debt of gratitude. Can I interest you in makeing a contribution to Boy Scouting and/or leading classes on climbing? Yes, I would be happy to help in leading some classes on climbing for your troop. Promise I won't preach Atheism. PM me. Careful tvash. You are on your way to a bible meeting with evangelical fundamentalists. "On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to GOD and country...." A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. OK, so I violate a few of those from time to time, and one all the time. And no, I didn't have to look that up. What could be better than teaching a kid how to climb?
  5. Well, Ryland, this is an excellent question. Many atheists are too busy filing law suits against nativity scenes and strangling puppies to observe any holidays, and why bother? Most of us have no hope, no friends, no future. There are, however, a very few atheists who desperately cling to the notion that they actually care for other people, despite the fact that it's well known that all love comes from God, so this isn't possible. And besides, who wants to hang around with an eternal life killjoy? In a pathetic attempt to appear normal, these pre-Christian wannabes do attempt to celebrate Christmas, but they call it Saturnalia (the soltice celebration the Christians coopted for their Christmas, as Christ was probably born in the spring), or "Solstice", which gives the atheist a remote chance of getting laid with a wicka follower or other representative of the urban pagan crowd. This Christmas celebrating atheists, in deference to their counterculture image, do not generally fall for the "commercialization" of Christmas. Aside from saving them some cash, they're not going to get any gifts from anybody anyway. CCA's (Christmas Celebrating Atheists) usually spend Christmas eve drinking to oblivion in an attempt to escape, if only for one night, the bleakness of their terminal, meaningless existence. This sets them up for a skull crushing hangover the following morning, when they must finally face "The Family". Christmas morning is spent returning Mother's wan and pitying smile, surviving Father's resigned look of dissappointment, and briefly basking in the bright, innocent light of a niece or nephew before brother or sis wisks them away from the Unbelieving One. The rest of the holiday is usually spent contemplating suicide, but since this is all we've got, what would be the point of that? So, I hope this helps you to understand that atheists, even if they are damned to burn in an eternal lake of fire while having their skin ripped off and Crazy Glued back on over and over again by laughing demons armed with lemon juice filled squirt guns, are people, too. People with hopes, although not many, dreams, however shortlived and unattainable, and families, albeit ashamed ones.
  6. We're on snifari, now.
  7. Ya know, it never fails. Start off with christianity, end up with horse fucking.
  8. It's amazing that I've roomed with so many of you people.
  9. How dare you. Every horse in my custody has willingly consented to waive all video rights. Fuck a horse. Kill an old lady. What's the difference? For my kind, the consequences are the same.
  10. dear, you need to get out to Enumclaw more often. Would you please stop beating that dead horse?
  11. Who's propoganda is this, anyway? Christian Civilization looks like a Soviet style shithole.
  12. Lions! Lions are noble!
  13. Throw a hood over me and that's a pretty good likeness.
  14. Correction: The boy scouts will not admit gay boy scouts, either. Full disclosure: the Boy Scouts first got me out of the house and into the mountains. I owe that organization a life long debt of gratitude. Can I interest you in makeing a contribution to Boy Scouting and/or leading classes on climbing? Yes, I would be happy to help in leading some classes on climbing for your troop. Promise I won't preach Atheism. PM me.
  15. They won't give loans to Boy Scouts? Aren't they too young anyway?
  16. Bank of America is run by Boy Scouts? That much I knew.
  17. ACLU has sued to; Halt the singing of Christmas Carols in public facilities. Deny tax -exempt status for Churches. Remove all military chaplains. Remove all Christian symbols from public property. Prohibit Bible reading in classrooms even during free time. Remove In God We Trust from our coins. Remove God from the Pledge of Allegiance Deny federal funding for Boy Scouts until they admit gays and atheists Hate to break it to you, there, SH, but to be credible it it helps to cite the court cases for each issue. Now get your lazy ass out there and do your homework for once, sport. Otherwise, you could just be quoting this from a Christian propoganda website put up by some unaborted Down's syndrome case. You're not doing that, are you now? Are you denying this is true??? To make you look bad I will look up the cases but first want to know if you deny it so I can make you look as stupid as you are. I'm saying you pulled this off some propoganda website like a trained monkey (apologies to monkeys everywhere), without any knowledge, or desire to know, the constitutional issues that were argued in each case. Now show us all an iota of willingness to not be the inert lump you usually are and Google those case citations for us so we can take your posting seriously. I'm not going to do your homework for you like you're obviously well used to, you glom. Otherwise, you've wasted your time and convinced no one of anything.
  18. Correction: The boy scouts will not admit gay boy scouts, either. Full disclosure: the Boy Scouts first got me out of the house and into the mountains. I owe that organization a life long debt of gratitude.
  19. On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country. To obey the scout law; to help other people at all times, to keep myself physically fit, mentally awake and morally straight. Tell me, what is so bad about this? Jesus, SWA, have you taken dumb pills, lately? She meant screw the Boy Scouts if they want federal funding. Sorry, buddy, it's a separation of church and state issue, and the Boy Scouts are an unapologetically religious organization. It's the Boy Scout's choice to be so, thus making themselves uneligible for federal dough, so blame them.
  20. They sued to stop federal funding to the boy scouts. Thats why I no longer bank with Bank of America. Cuz it has 'America' in the name, and 'America' doesn't fund the Boy Scouts?
  21. ACLU has sued to; Halt the singing of Christmas Carols in public facilities. Deny tax -exempt status for Churches. Remove all military chaplains. Remove all Christian symbols from public property. Prohibit Bible reading in classrooms even during free time. Remove In God We Trust from our coins. Remove God from the Pledge of Allegiance Deny federal funding for Boy Scouts until they admit gays and atheists Hate to break it to you, there, SH, but to be credible it it helps to cite the court cases for each issue. Now get your lazy ass out there and do your homework for once, sport. Otherwise, you could just be quoting this from a Christian propoganda website put up by some unaborted Down's syndrome case. You're not doing that, are you now?
  22. This bit of ancient history is often dusted off and hauled out of the attic by those attracted to conspiracy websites as proof that the ACLU is somehow behind a communist conspiracy. The ACLU was originally founded in 1920 to get unfairly imprisoned labor organizers out of jail for trying to organize the labor movement (the benefits of which, including the 40 hour/5 day work week) even Seahawks enjoys). Many of these labor organizers were members of the IWW and domestic communist party (no news here, plus, is there something wrong with that in a country where political freedom is protected?) In 1940, however, the ACLU passed a resolution to free itself from any party affiliations, including its formers ties with the Communist Party. It remains a non partisan organization to this day, which means it does not endorse candidate or contribute to individual campaigns. Furthermore, it's often overlooked that the ACLU membership, about 400,000 now, includes many tens of thousands of conservatives, in addition to others across the political spectrum, as members. Now, if there are IRS and Justice Department attorneys who are 'card carrying members of the ACLU', I suppose that would constitute a massive conspiracy, would it not? But what if they were also members of the Sierra Club? And Costco? And...?
  23. Sorry to dissappoint you, but the ACLU's charter does not include prosecuting tax evation cases. The IRS needs no help with that. If, in fact, the ACLU is involved in any way in any of the GENERAL REFERENCES you've posted (I've heard a million of these conspiracy references, but I'm still waiting for a critic such as yourself to come up with even a single specific case where their conspiracies are even remotely supported by events), it would have to have something to do with a constitutional issue, because that's all the ACLU does. Now, you may object to the ACLU's support of the establishment clause in the U.S. Constitution. Fair enough, many do. But don't waste your time screaming about the ACLU. Lobby your congressman to have that clause removed. Good luck with that.
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