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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. No surprises here. You're golden, everyone else is fucked. But that's not YOUR intolerance, it's God's, right? Blame it on the boss. Right. Yeah, I've got a problem with that. You subscribe to a particarly brand of religious intolerance because it suits you; in the end, it's your choice. Thanks, though. I'll take my chances with a few good works, a few sins here and there, and not judging, er, I mean letting God judge, those with differing sexuality and faith. If that means going to hell, oh well, at least all my friends will be there...and you guys won't be (or so you've been lead to believe). Somehow, I don't think it's going to matter either way at that point. As for teaching creationism, that would be fine...a) if it were science (it's not) and b) if religion were taught in public schools. Fortunately, our standards for science education haven't slipped so far as to allow it, and our Constitutional guarantee of freedom of worship prevents Christianity from getting state sponsored special treatment. It's not 'fear', it's an appropriate refusal to allow junk to adulterate sound science education and a religious minority to misuse publicly funded education to propogandize the majority.
  2. My dad drinks radiator fluid straight from the jug, shoots the eyes out of a reeper at 1000 meters, and telemarks on the leg the Russians didn't blow off...all at the same time.
  3. Too bad there wasn't a Lithuanian somewhere in the woodpile, eh Stumpy?
  4. Yes, but "American Women"! Fucking fucker magazine!
  5. Correction: Various cults have created the myth that Jesus died for our sins. One thing is probably accurate: Someone named Jesus died on a cross because the Romans sentenced him to death. Past that, it's all what you want to believe.
  6. that you're a hermaphroditic, bloviating besserwisser. You would know, lover.
  7. Denali is in the Alaskan wilderness, an area populated with Alaskan Natives. Maybe we should ask them what should be up there.
  8. No, no. If there's one thing everyone on this board agrees with to a man, and there may BE only one thing, it's that you're the most flatlined dumbass any of us have ever had the displeasure of wiping off our shoes, Seahawks.
  9. We're not actually arguing whether or not Putitang is a fascist are we? That's like arguing whether or not Bush is a moron.
  10. Puti Tang: the new gangsta
  11. Ouch...even for Seahawks.
  12. Um...Everest is (partly) in the Khumbu; a Tibetan Buddhist area. There are prayer flags all over the place.
  13. Oh, and by they way, STFU Seahawks, you couch potato, cabbage headed dumbass.
  14. Post of the day I couldn't agree more. It seems that, so often, evangelical sects prey on those in trouble who are most susceptible to grabbing any life preserver they can find.
  15. On the subject of tolerance, I have three questions for Vertical Christian: 1) Do you consider the gay lifestyle immoral? If not, do you support equal rights regarding marriaged, etc, for gays? 2) I already asked this one but never got an answer: What's going to happen to this atheist, assuming he will remain such til the end, after he dies? Assume a life lived full of good works (hypothetical, of course). 3) Do you believe that religious practices, such as the teaching of creationism/intelligent design and prayer, should be allowed in public schools?
  16. In 1975 it's American Women! How can fucking women be Man of Year? Stupid fuck magazine!
  17. Surfing the beer volcano... ...for eternity.
  18. Hey, I was drunk, OK?
  19. If you're going to join a cult, why wouldn't you join one with beer volcanoes and stripper factories? To choose sexual abstinence and self righteous piety over this to me is just, well, offensive.
  20. Also bullshit. You choose to be offended by these things. Remember, being offended is a choice. The FSM was (cleverly) created to challenge the unlawful imposition of Christianity, in violation of the Constitution, by a school board in Kansas that sought to force students into studying creationism, a purely religious teaching. The point of the FSM, and I can't believe this isn't already obvious by now, is why is the FSM any less legitimate a religion that Christianity? The point was successfully made that neither religion has any greater claim on legitimacy; all religions are a matter of faith, not science. As for Jesus, we know little about his life, other than the fact that he 1) drank wine 2) hung around with prostitutes and 3) liked to fish. He didn't smoke tobacco, which remained confined to the New World at the time, but he might have partaken in a number of intoxicating habits of the day. And this is offensive because....? As for using the Bible as TP (I've never heard this one...sounds like it's got urban myth written all over it), if it were true, you know what they say "The Lord helps those..." and "The Good Lord Provides" Would God not want us to wipe our bums and avoid a case of baboon ass by using the only thing readily available? I think God loves us more than a book, don't you?
  21. why is this any different than the attempt to infuse non-christian values by interest groups - is the agenda of these groups less "narrow" Because there is no such attempt. That is bullshit. These are "attempts" to abide by the establishment clause of our Constitution, which means a separation of church and state, not attempts to eliminate religion from private life. There has been no attempt on the part of any group to remove religion from anything other than government and state supported activities, as the Constitution so clearly proscribes. In stark contrast, Christian lobby groups seek to impose their particular religion and its values on everyone in this country directly through government, whether its prayer in public schools, displaying the ten commandments in a courthouse, or outlawing abortion entirely, in flagrant violation of the Constitution. Groups such as the Christian Coalition openly believe that their religion constitutes the highest law. Well, some of us kind of prefer the laws that we lowly humans come up with and have a say in, rather than cowing to the laws of an eternal life cult we refuse to join.
  22. Pakistani detainees released without charges
  23. Not only is it rated for such, but I usually have two midgets such as yourself clinging to my ankles while I rip through my reps.
  24. I find it laughable when Christians feel 'persecuted' in this, the most Bible thumping of nations. Save it, you whiny fuckers. It's also laughable when The Persecuted object to attempts to remove Christianity from the publicly funded arena. "They're trying to remove IN GOD WE TRUST from our coins!" How about if we change it to IN ALLAH WE TRUST, or IN THE FSM WE TRUST? Or, how about if we just take the Constitution seriously and change it to BLANK, so that anyone may worship as they please and not feel like they live in a nation that favors one religion so heavily? Look, if cults are your thing, fine. It's a free country. Just keep that shit out of the publically funded sphere, so it can be a free country for the rest of us. And, for Christ's sake, quit the fucking whining just because you don't always succeed in using government to impose your cult on the rest of us.
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