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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. you can say that in public.... but your bivy partners know the truth Marc is proof positive that younger does not necessarily mean tighter.
  2. My 70 year old aunt in the Bronx used to walk 20 blocks each way to work and thought nothing of it. She was surprised that we thought it unusual.
  3. Yes, as in "me work, you don't". Me smart and independently self supporting. You not.
  4. The last time we won a real war of any kind was 63 years ago. Perhaps we should change our focus...or at least our rhetoric.
  5. Bicycles pre-dated cars; the right to use right's of way by cyclists is much older than it is for cars. One might argue that cars intrude on cycling, not the other way around.
  6. Thank you, Richard M. Nixon. We're still keepin' the faith!
  7. Yes, the War on Drugs. Since it began, pot has 20 times more THC, and both crack and meth were invented and are now widespread. Prescription drug abuse is now rampant. The supplies of all the major controlled substances have increased dramatically. We'be doubled our inmate population to over 2 million, the highest incarceration rate per capita of any nation. Move over, China! And, of course, there's the violence issue; in Colombia, in Mexico, and right here at home. Bravo!
  8. I think Americans would be somewhat more critical of Al-Zeidi...for missing.
  9. I just heard on the radio that the Bush Administration reports that, after 5 years, half a trillion dollars, thousands of US and tens of thousands of Iraqi casualties, Iraq's infrastructure is about where it was the day before the invasion. Bravo!
  10. Now the Iraqi authorities are gonna have to let him go so that they can then enjoy fighting a law suit for the arm. I heard a radio story yesterday from a reporter who couldn't find one single Iraqi in Bhagdad, after looking all day, who condemned Al Zeidi's gesture. Dumb and Dumber.
  11. Trees also clean the air, take up carbon, reduce the necessity for irrigation, provide free and effective air conditioning for your home, and drop leaves; the best composting raw material for your garden. Add to that increased habitat for birds and other wildlife, which makes for a healthier garden and more beautiful and satisfying environment. They do drop leaves and branches into your collection of 'parts vehicles' that grace your front lawn, however, and so constitute a nuisance in the final balance.
  12. UM, you don't get people to do more of something by charging them more. As for urbanites being lazy, I challenge you to find more out of shape people than in rural America. Woah, Nelly. Guess which community's inhabitants walk more miles per year than any other? That's right, you didn't guess it: New Yorkers.
  13. I think the Taliban's and it's like minded brethren have got to go. Their's is a cruel, totalitarian movement that has no place in the modern world, assuming, of course, that the modern world still gives a rip about human rights. Personally, I would find it difficult to rail against the injustices that religious fundamentalists seek in our own country while ignoring a similar movement elsewhere with an infinitely worse agenda.
  14. In reality, bike commuters reduce pollution, traffic congestion, land wasted on parking spaces, and energy consumption, all of which benefit the entire population. FW's viewpoint on any issue can be summed up in three simple words: ME ME ME.
  15. I hear what you're saying, but in Washington State sidewalks are built/maintained with property taxes paid by homeowners and businesses or mitigation fees paid by developers. In fact, in the town where I live I recently had to shell out $1100 to rebuild the sidewalk that passes in front of my house because it was being uprooted by a tree that the town had planted in the right of way. So I'm not sure your argument works well. But you're right...where does it stop? Don't forget--motor vehicle drivers are paying for those bike lanes, and those cyclists still require energy to move from point A to point B. Chances are that energy was grown with the help of carbon-based fuels. The TOWN payed for YOUR section of sidewalK? YOU should have had to shell the money out, as you would have been required to do in Portland or Seattle proper. It's YOUR section of sidewalk in front of YOUR house uprooted by YOUR tree that YOU bought when you paid for the property. "Oh, I never noticed that beautiful full grown street tree that just happens to add $15,000 (national average) to the value of my property". Perhaps you should sue the builder of your home for putting in wiring and plumbing that would later have to be updated ("I couldn't have known!"), or your parents for not bestowing upon you a better genetic makeup. The injustice of it all! Boy, you just want everyone else to pay for your shit, don't you? But you can't be blamed; that's the prevailing attitude in rural America, subsidized by cities to the tune of 7:1 on a per tax dollar basis.
  16. Mubarak: Much shorter guy, probably could have easily ducked behind the podium. Besides, he's used to ducking worse. Assad; old and slow. He would have been nailed for sure. Imadinnerjacket; short, skinny, and nervous; he probably could have cocked his head to one side without even ducking. Saddam: well, anyone could've hit that barn sized head. Plus, he's not really a moving target.
  17. It was laughable watching the American media try to treat this story 'seriously'...analyzing how slow the Secret Service responded (5.3 seconds!), etc...while the rest of the world's media took the opportunity to have a good holiday laugh. Basically, they're gonna have to let him go; he's now a National Hero. The guy was a great shot, and Bush was an artful dodger; a perfect metaphor for the end of one of our most shameful administrations. The reporter may have missed Bush, and Bush may have missed the symbolism, but apparently a few Iraqis caught it.
  18. Weird. You used to be at least somewhat intelligible.
  19. One thing's for sure; any future aid package should not include shoes.
  20. We can all doubt the veracity of the story, but not the heartfeld outrage of the drama queen who believed and repeated it.
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