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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. by the herd
  2. Eventually, all of the Bush administration's dirty laundry will come out, as it does in this story. Hopefully, those responsible for staining our national honor and trashing our most sacred values will be prosecuted so as to re-instate the rule of law and the accountability and discipline that it demands. Strong people don't give up their most dearly held values when scared. Weaklings do. Detainees describe explicitly how they were tortured NYT
  3. I'm wandering up the street to see if I kin find some roadkill to gnaw on or somethin weather suks ass
  4. I can only afford one right now, tho
  5. I'm more of a Ho Ho man
  6. I'm f'in starving for some reason
  7. Not just yet. I'm taking a bong exposure shot....
  8. Didn't even use a Thaipod.
  9. I snapped that shot with a Canonabis Powerhit 420 with an astral filter at 1/8th of an oz.
  10. Takes forever to Twitter Alpha Centauri
  11. Buzzkill. This'll fix it....
  12. He'th too thenthetive, though
  13. John Frieh wants to be my Facebook Friend
  14. OK, just how big a bag o weed did you just burn through?
  15. Am I the only one hear who doesn't know what a 'warmring' is?
  16. But we don't have that link....
  17. Oh well, Pink, at least we've got each other.
  18. You only need a couple, repeated over and over....
  19. The NRA membership roster is the first place they'll go. Donate anonymously. MHO. Increasing NRA membership was undoubtedly the point of this mass emailing campaign about a non-existent bill. Oldest trick in the book.
  20. Then only the rich could afford to kill people.
  21. You couldn't pierce those tits with a sabot round.
  22. Ovah heuh.
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