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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. After JB spends two years in a tuberculosis sanitorium, his adolescent and teen years in abusive foster homes cuz the fam financially fell apart, and 4 years fighting a world war, he can let us all know how much tougher times are these days.
  2. :laf: I just had to laugh at that. That's some funny prose, Pat! Uttered from that very same crucible, my friend. May you be poured from it still in one piece.
  3. Separation of powers? Get Fucking Real. You know NOTHING about government. Might have something to do with the fact that you've had zero direct experience with it. Oh really? We can compare resumes if you like. FYI: Hanging out in front of the Freemont Chapter of the ACLU like some kind of groupie doesn't rate as high as, say, passing the LSAT. How about being an ACLU board member AND passing the LSAT? Oops... Of course, neither of those qualifications means that one knows shit about the actual workings of government, either. If this country had a dime for every dumb cunt who managed to pass the LSAT, we wouldn't be in this mess.
  4. If he'd called them a pack of hosers it still wouldn't have been a separation of powers issue. Lincoln continuing to denying habeas corpus, even after the Supreme Court ruled against him, Bush illegally spying on Americans without a judicial review, appeal, or statutory authority...now THOSE are separation of power issues.
  5. would love to hear you say that to a Large Black Woman, preferably one w/ a baseball bat and on her period - kinda a gallagher affair (no pun intended tvash) Asking her if she'd like some wallamellon would be a nice thematic touch....
  6. I don't have to write anything for them. You people are a soap opera unto yourselves. [video:youtube] I wonder how that hope and change is working out for her these days. Do you think the stimulus found it's way to her cardboard box? Shu' Up! 'batin'! (movie reference? Anyone?)
  7. It's all Talk Radio, All The Time. The president doesn't have the right to speak to kids. The president doesn't have the right to express an opinion on a supreme court decision. Fucking ridiculous arguments on their face, but consider the audience. I guess such arguments sound all sophisticated 'n legal-like to them. Reverse logic and backwards causality are the first tools Talk Radio reaches for. Most of us hear such crap, dismiss it for the brain fart it is in about a nanosecond, and move on. Dittoheads, on the other hand, sit back in wonder, sparsely toothed mouths agape, stunned that The Voice of Truth has invented yet another New Way of Thinking, completely oblivious to the fact that its the same stupid pet trick every time.
  8. tvashtarkatena


    I drink only pure rain water and grain alcohol.
  9. He's been implanted with the neocon's micro chip that has a daily Rush/Beck/Savage/Levin/Hannity/Fox talking point feed so that he is prepared with clever zingers when "talking to liberals". It's so fucking word for word that whatever tiny shred of intelligence I granted this cunt has long since evaporated. He's just another TV tool with internet access. Absolutely nothing to add to any discussion.
  10. Separation of powers? Get Fucking Real. You know NOTHING about government. Might have something to do with the fact that you've had zero direct experience with it.
  11. And that is what Obama claimed to be about. Too bad for him and the far left now that American communities have seen enough of their needs not being met and are organizing in the other direction. Couldn't agree more. As long as Obama and the Dems (and the Repubs) don't step it up and start solving the problems facing ordinary Americans and the planet, they will continue turning towards Fascism. Thanks Lars. So you have to change my words around to come up with a weak comeback? Is that all you have? You people have been living in liberal denial these last few weeks. Maybe reality hasn't started to sink in yet. I heard that last sentence almost word for word on Fox 2 days ago, too. Are you writing their material? Or...
  12. And that is what Obama claimed to be about. Too bad for him and the far left now that American communities have seen enough and are organizing in the other direction. I heard that reported, almost word for word, on Fox news, too. I didn't catch the SOTU address...no need to. The treadmills at the gym have TV so I'm sure Fox will cook it down for me.
  13. Climbing is also not 'selfish'. It is connection with the natural world. Such a connection is a fundamental and healthy human need. And speaking of children; it seems like more of such connection might make for a better future.
  14. It only seems bad from a historical perspective because you've been coddled all you life, and are apparently not closely enough connected to the last generation that wasn't to realize that. The Civil War, Depression, and WWII were bad times for America. This is what I would call a 'trying' time. Still, the opinion that we'll 'get through this and back to normal' is also bullshit. We're not ever going to 'get through this'. This is a sea change; we're running out of resources, and that will continue to make a permanent and profound difference in our way of life...and a substantial, permanent decrease in our wealth. We've peaked...no doubt about it. That's not necessarily a bad thing. Let's face it; we're arrogant, ignorant, and careless fuckwads. We've been begging for a kick in the balls for a long time now. Perhaps enough of us will learn something from it to collectively mitigate the damage.
  15. If you've been to the mountains much and still feel the need to look to a 2000 year old dead guy for 'something greater than yourself', you might think about opening your eyes a bit wider. Also, the conjecture that religiosity somehow makes one 'more selfless' than them heathens is complete crap. Jesus or no Jesus, that behavior or lack thereof comes from within.
  16. KKK's right, your reading comprehension sucks.
  17. Is there a crucible stout enough to contain the love that sprouteth from the still smoldering pyre of two marriages?
  18. tvashtarkatena


    Dude...you got a really dirty mouth for a young guy and trust me, that's not an asset and it won't serve you well in the long run. To the point...the route IS a mistake....it was power-drilled in a wilderness area. It doesn't have the right to exist and in my opinion, correctly so. Mistakes should be corrected if possible. It's possible, preferably by the ones who make them. Wilderness areas are an arbitrary human designation, as is no-bolt regulation (is that regulation even on the books?)in such areas. Want to argue this point? I present to you the Marble Mountain Wilderness, where herds of cows still graze, and a host of other wildernesses that allow similar, far more unsightly use. So, we are really left only with your opinion, stripped of its usual holiday wrapping of false legitimacy and implied authority. Nuff said there.
  19. tvashtarkatena


    I'd aid it, but I hear it won't take pins.
  20. That the middle class is rapidly eroding is statistical fact. The typical counter argument from the Right is 'you're a kook', but I've never heard or read anything, not one thing, from that confederation of dunces to actually refute what is obvious, both anecdotally and numerically. Hint for the simple or lazy minded: start by comparing cost of living to wages. Now, on the other side of the coin, to even remotely compare today's situation, which really isn't that bad, to the 30's, which was an abject nightmare (as recounted by my parents, for example), is patently ridiculous. It's an issue of perspective. We now have two generations who have enjoyed suckling on mommy's warm and loving tit, basically exposed to little or no hardship. When hardship comes around, as it has, it's little surprise that a great big cry of WTF? should rise towards the heavens.
  21. Bug/Minx Kimmo/TTK Pair the vertical columns and you've got a deal.
  22. Ivan? Is that you?
  23. She's the kind of smart, hip women who would suffer through KKK's 3 minute conversational repertoire at a party before politely taking her leave and exclaiming, once out of earshot "It is to laugh!".
  24. Hey, shit-for-brains, I've had Prole's girlfriend, and she's awesome.
  25. To far left? hahahaha. More like too far to the middle. As I said, 'The Biggest Loser' ranks number 4.
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