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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. I suspect think we all might be pitching in on that one...
  2. Be afraid. Be very afraid.... Nibiru is coming...again
  3. I need to know if we're gonna be hit by a planet, a moon, a star, or all of the above so I can adjust the coverage on my house.
  4. AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I see a reality show in the making.
  6. Truck Nutz sighting in Ballard! Chromed!
  7. Our experiences have been different, so we'll agree to disagree on that. In other words, STFU.
  8. I don't think Klenke does Thai prostitutes, though.
  9. Take Billcoe, raise him in a shoebox, then straighten him out with an iron and you've got Klenke.
  10. FUX is ALL OVER THIS SHIT. Can't wait for the cable circle jerk tonight: Classroom live sex show Speaking of shit, the next headline down on FUX mobile reads "Fecal Matter Found on 72 Percent of Grocery Carts" Fair and Balanced !
  11. I stayed put out of shear laziness and ignorance.
  12. I love this argument: "Well, $250K represents a lot of struggling businesses..." Um...struggling businesses don't pay much if any taxes, by definition.
  13. That's bullshit. I just had dinner with a 'rich guy' who stated that "his taxes are way too low". The rich know exactly what kind of great deal they're getting, as they, of course, would. After all, they manage their money better than the rest of us.
  14. 9th circuit says YES, D.C. circuit says NO. Hyjinks to ensue.
  15. And another... American's do not support cuts in Federal Entitlements
  16. And you certainly know from annoying.
  17. SCOTUS free speech ruling
  18. Tiger Blood, Soul of Adonis - he kinda sounds like Dwayner, actually.
  19. Walker refuses to come to the table. Now he's got 100,000 people milling around the Capitol.
  20. New poll: Majority backs union on retaining collective bargaining rights Not exactly in line with Walker's bluster, but what is?
  21. Tax break roll backs won't solve the problem entirely, but they would lend some much needed moral legitimacy for cutting compensation for middle class state workers. Let's not forget that NJ is, by a good margin, the worst case situation.
  22. Then you're not listening. I believe what the Left would prefer to see is breaks for the rich rolled back before middle class cutbacks are levied. Blaming the problem entirely on the Middle Class (unions) is a ploy to move the spotlight off of the fantastic deal the Rich have gotten over the past 15 years.
  23. "Exile" by Predator.
  24. Really? Same bullshit? I'd love a supporting example. Otherwise, yours is just...more bullshit.
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