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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Nothing makes me look cool, so...no, apparently. It's either kick you or kick the dog, and I don't have a dog. And kicking a house plant just isn't the same, ya know?
  2. Then you two could discuss it afterwards!
  3. Has the bacteria responsible for Schweaty Ballz smell be isolated? Could be a market opportunity for raw milk producers....
  4. Did you guys know that brevibacteria, responsible for stanky feet, also provides the aroma of Limburger and its fragrant cousins?
  5. Fornicating with a light socket while bathing in a vat of raw milk would make for some pretty good performance art.
  6. Nope. Non BGH milk, organic and non, is available at any grocery store.
  7. Raw milk is murder.
  8. Raw milk is killing us. Death to the Amish.
  9. Castle Rock and the Pinnacles (San Jose area) and Indian Rock (Berkeley) are close by. Prepare not to be impressed, except by the crowds, but its what they got. Lover's Leap (Tahoe) and Yosemite (duh) if you're jonesin for the real thing. For alpine rock, the Ritter/Banner area of the Yosemite backcountry has some great routes. Mt. Shasta if you really miss the NW.
  10. though not as bad as that one.
  11. That joke sucked.
  12. The feds just raided Forks to stop the raw blood trade there.
  13. It does have nuclear capability when called for. Kakester and jeebeez sound a lot like the Perletti brothers.
  14. I have an immune system like a hardened missile silo. I like to think my home town had something to do with that....
  15. The Nevilles. 15 kids...all by one mom. They lived next to the Perletti brothers, two squeeky voiced, retarded identical twins who ran some prune orchards. The Perletti brothers used to drive around the valley in a '39 Ford pickup, picking up downed branches for firewood. They also hung out at the dump a lot, waiting for something good to come along. Their father was dead in the house for three days before a visitor finally alerted the authorities. "We thought he was asleep." Ahhhhh....my home town.
  16. Nope. I never ate at their house after that.
  17. I used to hang with a kid in my neighborhood whose family had a milk cow. While he was teaching me how to milk ole Bessie one day she stepped in the pail with her dung encrusted hoof. He just calmly lifted it back out and kept milking...
  18. ...in the growing line of folks who can declare war as they see fit: Pentagon may consider a cyberattack an act of war Stand by for some Iranian geek to start WWIII from his basement.
  19. Ed, is that you?
  20. Seriously, we should crush the Amish. The whole Lil Abner/Oklahoma! thing is just too fucked up. Intercourse, PA: the new Waco?
  21. You just described the War on Drugs, War on Terror, War on... ...rhymes with 'moron'.
  22. Some folks unclip the lower daisy, then clip in a draw before they step up the top aider to minimize this possibility. Adding a shortie screamer to your daisies is also an option. That might be a good plan when there's a bit of hooking involved. Just got my new SpeedWall aiders today. Goodbye, clusterfuck.
  23. The only reason to buy a gun for defense is to defend against Right Wing Nutjobz when they finally kick off the zombie apocalypse. I can name a handful of librul friends who've done exactly that for exactly that reason. Same fantasy + a double tall decaf with soy. Sell to idiots on both sides. Now THAT's good marketing. Me? The cordless Sawzall with a bandoleer of extra batteries will have to provide a last line of defense for now. I also feed all the wildlife in the neighborhood. They trust me now. That should come in handy should urban hunting ever become a necessity.
  24. Guns can be good, clean fun. They beat spears for hunting, although the former seems more sporting. When a gun owner wraps himself in hero fantasies, though, that's where the fun, and sanity, ends. Such fantasies usually come with a whole bushel of canned popular wisdom, catchy phrases, mangled historical analogies, made up or misinterpreted 'study results' - all just good old fashioned bullshit, and all easily debunked within about a minute. Why? Hey, guns are a big business; one with plenty of good old fashioned, God and Country marketing to keep its customers laying down their credit cards. A lot of industries have tried to wrap themselves in the flag - "Like a rock!", American Insurance, Pepsi's choice of colors, but none has been as remotely successful as the gun industry in intertwining its business interests with 'Basic American Values '.
  25. Just compare Tunisia with Libya. Add lots and lots of guns and SHAZZAM! successful democratic revolution is BEEN THERE, DONE THAT in no time! Those poor, unarmed Tunisians! Had they only known....
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