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Posts posted by mkporwit

  1. Yep, I prefer the "pro death" and "you have no choice" slogans...


    And your adventures last night will not result in kevbone fading out of existence...

  2. drinking :brew:


    Just one, but it's a doozy

    20% abv??? FAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWK!!!1


    You think thats a lot or something??? Oh wait!!! Your American :fahq:


    Marc, that's 20% ABV for a beer... that's a lot in any country. There's not too many beers out there that go that high, and none of the ~20 I've tasted that are anywhere near as good as that Dogfish 120 minute IPA.

  3. Set your cell phone to vibrate and post your number here.



    Just set your cell phone alarm to vibrate with a 5 second snooze reset,my last girlfriends trick!

    I guess she needed to resort to such tricks since you weren't man enough to satisfy her?

  4. I've had a very good experience with Qwest, both in Seattle and in Bellevue. I've used them for five years, a fair bit of that time running my own servers with static IPs I got from them. The only times I have been down has been when I've been without power due to a windstorm. Otherwise I don't believe there have been any interruptions in service. Their best package is currently 3Mbps down/768Kbps up, which isn't too bad and I actually get pretty close to that. There is an annual contract, but if you move to an area where Qwest does not provide service then you're to go with someone else.


    Of course you'll probably get a lot of hits if you search for Qwest sucks, but there ya go, that's my two cents.


    I used Speakeasy when I lived in California, and was also very happy with them. Very clueful.

  5. Warsaw, Poland 0-1

    Piotrkow, Poland 1-6

    Warsaw, Poland 6-8

    Saarbruecken, Germany 8

    Helmsted, Germany 9

    Soltau, Germany 10

    Philadelphia, PA 10-15

    Abington, PA 15-18

    Princeton, NJ 18-23

    Palo Alto, CA 23-27

    San Francisco, CA 27-28

    Palo Alto, CA 28-29

    Seattle, WA 29

    Bellevue, WA 29-present

  6. Anyone else from the Seattle area heading out to Bozeman for the Ice Festival? I can't leave any earlier than the 4th in the afternoon/evening, and need to be back by the evening of the 9th. Happy to drive or ride with someone else.


    Game? PM me.

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