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Posts posted by mkporwit

  1. Linda Gray is 69. Apparently she was 61 when she started acting in the theater version of the Graduate. So there's hope for your mom yet ;)

  2. I use the first-gen BD Dry Tool glove, which I like a lot for ice climbing. The Dry Tool is apparently discontinued after two generations, and has been replaced by the Torque. The Torque is meant to be even more nimble, but offers even less insulation than the Dry Tool.

  3. Why the recommendation for Baker and not just waiting until July to climb Hood?



    Because of what DPS said -- the south side of Hood has an early season. No one climbs it in July due to objective hazard.

  4. It's a good thing we gave the feds all those intrusive powers during the Bush years. Now there's a new law in town, with a different agenda.


    Good luck hiding your guns.


    "Μολὼν λαβέ" -- Leonidas



    Or for those whose browsers fail to render the greek, Molon Labe

  5. Cheer up... I'm sure GM will happily sell you a new Buick real cheap :)


    I was on my bike.


    That's OK. You can probably get a new Buick for less than the price of a new bike...


    In any case, glad you're OK enough to be spraying about it.

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