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Posts posted by mkporwit

  1. Biological evolution does not appear to have teleios (absence of teleios is the postmodern condition)

    Seeing as you appear to be using it as a noun, shouldn't that be telos instead of teleios? Telos is the noun, meaning purpose, direction, whereas teleios is the adjective form, meaning complete, perfect, brought to its end, etc...

  2. So the standard route to approach the Tooth, around Source Lake and under Chair Peak, is generally considered to have serious avalanche hazard. Can anyone comment on the winter route, the one up the Alpental cat track? We're looking to head out there tomorrow and will do our own assessments, but I'm hoping for some overall impressions.

  3. Unfortunately for your comment, my comments came straight from the mouth of an experienced recruiter.

    If you'd bothered to read instead of spraying incessantly, you would have noticed that I did not disagree with your original statement about where recruiters look -- that's approximately correct. What I did knock was your lack of understanding that Facebook can be plenty useful as a public, social medium even if people have their profiles marked private, and the fact that recruiters/HR don't go around befriending people just to view their profiles, which means one doesn't have to deny them access 'cause they never ask for it in the first place. They simply see a private profile and move on to looking at other things.

  4. Tvash, learn a little about the topic at hand and THEN run your mouth about it.


    Oh wait, that would mean you'd have to shut the fuck up about most anything. The absence of your incessant braying in these forums would be most refreshing.

  5. FYI: Facebook is the first place HR goes to check out how much of an assclown the new job applicant is.


    If you're too dumb to figure out how to make your profile private, then you're too dumb for the job.


    A private profile on a public medium designed primarily so that people can find you. Now that's smart.

    Yes, imagine that. And then only people that you accept can view your full profile. Everyone else can merely see the fact that you have one. Pretty clever, them Facebook folks...

  6. Nope, there is no prohibition on negotiating with terrorists or other hostage takers. This is just US government policy and not reflected in any laws. Private parties can do what they will. There may be pressure, such as in a kidnapping case where the authorities may prefer that you don't pay for example, but they can't throw you in jail for that as long as you did not break any laws.

  7. Paul, I don't believe that it is the national governments of the ships' owners that are negotiating with the pirates but rather the companies themselves. In the case of a US ship being captured I would expect the shipping company or cruise line to enter negotiations. Just because the US government doesn't negotiate with terrorists (Iran-Contra ) doesn't mean that other entities are prohibited from doing so.

  8. Do you happen to know whether I-90 going in that direction will be reasonably driveable at rush hour?


    If you're not carpooling or taking public transportation then the first 10-12 miles of I-90 eastbound can be a bit of a clusterfuck. Without traffic you could be at exit 32 in ~30 minutes... whereas with traffic it might be an hour.

  9. Yes, there is. So far the pirates have been careful not to harm any crew or passengers on any of the ships they've captured. The companies paying ransom would not want to upset that apple cart.

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