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Posts posted by mkporwit

  1. I would like to see something map-based rather than name-based. Maybe cross-referenced with CAG? Make the metadata for the route somewhat extensible so that various types of queries would be possible.


    Permission to edit would be something you have automatically and it would be revoked by moderators, so anyone can contribute but if they fuck up they can be appropriately contained.

  2. Kapitän: "Load torpedoez int tubez 1 und 4!"

    Waffen Offizier: "Yah, Mein Kapitän. Torpeedoez loaded int tubez 1 und 4!"

    Kapitän: "Set for proximity fuse. Match bearings und shoot!"

    Waffen Offizier: "Proximity fuse, bearings matched. It's away! Two Black Butte Porters running straight and level, Herr Kapitän!"

    Kapitän: "Ahhhhhhhhhh, sehr gut, Waffen Offizier." :brew:




    Was trinkst du heute, Herr Sobolewski?

    Lucky bastards!! You get to drink while I'm on antibiotics and vicoden... fucking wisdom teeth...

  3. Maddow made a good point last night on her show--no one asked the bank employees to take a pay cut.

    Actually that's not a very good point. The bank employees are not unionized and don't have a contract. Should the bank deem that a wage cut is necessary they will simply impose one, take it or leave it.


    The UAW has a contract for certain wages, which can only be renegotiated out of the kindness of their hearts or in bankruptcy court. A unilateral attempt by GM to cut their wages would be deemed illegal.

  4. WC Forged friends outperform all others, are super light and can be often found on sale from retailers for 29 bucks each on the net.

    If you're serious about getting some, best shake a leg as Wild Country has stopped making these. Whatever the US distributor has in stock is it, I believe.

  5. Great meeting you guys Friday! Sounds like you all had a great time!


    We also found out that CC.com's John Frieh placed third in the Ice Breaker Invitational on Thursday so anyone that sees him should buy him a beer :tup::brew:


    My partner in the ice breaker was Bryan Schmitz who posts here as powderhound! Team Portland and cc.com represent! :wazup:



    Congrats to the both of you. Way to kick ass :rawk:

  6. Trip: Hyalite Canyon - Various


    Date: 12/5/2008


    Trip Report:

    I managed to get out to Hyalite Canyon this past weekend for the Bozeman Ice Festival. We spent three days climbing and taking clinics during the day, followed by great slide shows in the evening. Definitely worth a trip as those folks put on a great event.


    We got into town late on Thursday night. It had been very cold the previous couple of days. Friday morning showed a temperature of -6F. Seeing as I didn't bring a disguise to get into the womens' clinic my friend Mike and I headed off in search of something easy to warm up on. All of the easy stuff on Genesis/Mummy was taken by the women, but we found no one on Hang Over, a great WI3 up and to the left of G1. Mike led it and set up top ropes, and we ran laps on it the rest of the day. The ice was hard and would shatter under our pics, but we had a blast.


    That evening had a slide show by Roger Strong on climbing in the Canadian Rockes and a new route on Kichatna Spire. We also found out that CC.com's John Frieh placed third in the Ice Breaker Invitational on Thursday so anyone that sees him should buy him a beer :tup::brew:


    Saturday and Sunday brought much warmer weather. It was barely below freezing at night, with daytime temperatures of around 40F. We spent both days in clinics, getting instruction from people like Roger Strong, Rafal Slawinski, and a large contingent of the fine folks at Montana Alpine Guides. We climbed on G1, G2 and Mummy. Due to the warm temperatures the ice was pretty plastic, though at times it felt like someone had turned on a cold shower above us.


    Saturday night was another great slide show, this time by Rafal Slawinski, on climbing in Pakistan and his winter ascents in the Canadian Rockies. Another great evening.


    The festival is very well run. Lots of guides, lots of gear reps, cool people and plenty for the newbie and pro alike. Definitely check it out if you get the chance.


    No pics since I forgot my camera :mad:


    Gear Notes:

    If you're there for the clinics, you don't need any gear as you can demo everything you need, including harnesses, boots, and shell clothing.


    Approach Notes:

    Drive east on I-90 for a really long time...

  7. Yes, it definitely would be good if the Indians got intel from him. What's that have to do with torturing him?


    There's lots of doubts that torture is even effective at eliciting intel. And that's assuming the guy even knows anything -- if the attackers were as well trained, organized and prepared as the media suggests, then they probably compartmentalized their operations.


    at any rate, doesn't this discussion of terrorist motivations seem a bit one dimensional? there are no doubt many other motivations at work - nationalism, desire for power, resentment of power, etc. comparing indian terrorists to saudi terrorists to afghan terrorists misses the unique nature of each of their beefs, and the religion of islam is merely a tool used to achieve thier political desires, no? (just like every western terrorist organization makes appeals to christianity, such as the kkk or ira?)


    I agree with the first part of your post, but you lost me at addressing their "beefs". For the most part, their beefs seem to be based simply on 'convert to Islam or die', their rage vented regularly upon atheist, Christian, Jew, and Hindu alike. At least Christians seem content to leave the non-believer alone to face their fate in the afterlife--Muslims seem intent on helping them get there sooner.


    Nope FW, Ivan is spot on. For most of them "convert to Islam or die" is a convenient red herring to be used for recruiting purposes, to distract the media, muddy the waters and generally confuse the issue. These organizations have concrete political aims and goals, and the religion issue is just a cover, whether they be al Quaida or the IRA.

  9. Happy Thanksgiving everybody! Let's go eat!


    Agreed. Bills are paid and checkbook is balanced. Now it's time to log off, and go hang with the inlaws.


    Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone.


    Over and Out.


    :tup: I'll raise a glass of fine wine to all you sprayers this afternoon. Now go get some turkey...

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