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Posts posted by mkporwit

  1. Feathered Friends now makes a bag with asymmetric loft. More down in the feet, less down over the chest. Weighs in at about a pound. When used with your down jacket it is meant to work down to about 20F.

  2. I believe the RC.com user 'adatesman', the OP of the latest Alien thread over there, would be happy to test them for you for a small fee.


    Thanks Joseph, I sent him an e-mail and we'll see what he comes back with.

    Checked with adatesman, and he's not willing to do any more independent testing for now -- didn't want to be seen as having posted the failures to drum up business or anything like that.

    So I'm off to investigate other venues... but I think in the meantime the Aliens are coming off the rack.

  3. I believe the RC.com user 'adatesman', the OP of the latest Alien thread over there, would be happy to test them for you for a small fee.


    Thanks Joseph, I sent him an e-mail and we'll see what he comes back with.

  4. The red cam was well pre-recall and seems to show a lack of quality control given the lack of proper brazing.


    The purple cam failed below its rated strength due to suspected, but so far unverified, improper specifications on the steel axle. Add to that the suspected, but so far unverified, improper specifications on the aluminum lobes...


    I have a bunch of post-recall aliens that I absolutely love, but every time I see something like this a little bit of that love dies and I'm tempted to put them up for sale or send them to an independent lab for pull testing...

  5. Sobo, if they're teaching reducing of dislocations and clearing c-spine in WFA these days then I would agree with you that you get most of the crucial stuff in WFA and WFR is just the cherry on top. Last I took WFA (12? 13? years ago) they didn't cover that, so it was new to me when I took WFR...

  6. I don't think that WFR is primarily useful to guides, camp counselors, etc. If you look at it purely from a SAR perspective, then yes, WFR is overkill, as by the time SAR gets to a subject the person is typically stable or dead (which is also stable, I suppose).


    There is a lot of material in WFR that even your average weekend warrior will benefit from, however. The two biggest advantages are protocols for clearing c-spine and for reducing sprains and dislocations. These both give you a shot at self-evacuation when you're far from the trailhead by hopefully allowing the subject to be (somewhat?) mobile.


    Yeah, there's a lot of crap in WFR about dental emergencies, organizing a search for little Johnny, dealing with diabetic episodes, etc, which is of secondary utility, so go ahead and bite the bullet and commit the 80 hours...so bite the bullet, get it and keep it current.

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