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Everything posted by scm007

  1. Heading up to Bellingham from Seattle wouldn't mind taking a detour and hitting Erie for a few. Let me know.
  2. Trying to get back into climbing shape for the summer. I climb at Stone Gardens and right now lead low-mid 10's. Call me Steve 3603199376
  3. Hey Brian, I climb in the 10s looking to get into 11s this summer. Mostly sport climb. Looking to get more into trad. Send me a message. Stephen
  4. I'm game for whatever. Looking to find some more regular partners here in Seattle. 32 or 38 is convenient for me but I could be convinced to go elsewhere (Index in season?). Sport in the 10's, trad around 5.8 although I'm a trad gumby so I don't just lead whatever on gear. I'll follow anything. Stephen 3603199376
  5. Wherever I May Roam (5 pitches up to 5.9) is super fun. It's not difficult or technical, just fun. The Monkey Face is worth doing once just to say you did it. The West Face Variation is probably the best bet unless you climb super hard and want to tackle one of the 11's up it.
  6. I was out there last weekend, would love to go again on Saturday if you are down. Steve
  7. Anybody want to do some sport? Climb in the mid 10s. E-mail me at stephenmattison@gmail.com
  8. Anybody up for climbing in Squamish next week? Although I am open for anytime up until mid-June, but would like to get some time in before I move to Seattle. I can lead ~5.9 trad, but I have lead less than 10 routes in total on gear as I mostly sport climb. I'm looking for someone who climbs about the same level. But if you are a hardman and want a belay on some harder routes I would be up for that. I'm always looking for trad tips so if you want to teach a noob I will bring the beer
  9. Someone jacked a pair of size 10 Evolv evo's, large BD Momentum AL harness, couple biners, ATC and my stereo. If you guys see any of this crap please PM me. Thanks!
  10. Where would be the nearest ice climbing spot I could set a TR? Thanks a bunch!
  11. Can your son climb anything that you cannot, because of hand size or whatnot?
  12. scm007

    The Eiger?

    Would love to see this in HD.
  13. jesus christ you dont here that every day! Seriously holy crap! Did it go for you?
  14. I'll buy it right now. Send me your paypal address.
  15. Anybody have a lead on a small 4x4 diesel truck (preferably turbo diesel)? These bastards are hard to come by, but probably the ultimate dirt bag vehicle. Thanks!
  16. Just buy everything, taking the guys name down. If the person who got it stolen turns up, sell it back to him for $100 and give him the identity of the seller. It's better than having someone else buy all of the gear and just keeping it. If it is going for $100 it won't last long and will probably disappear forever...
  17. Hey man I'll rope up with you this weekend if you want?
  18. Shit. Met Micah once, seemed like a good guy. Here's hoping for a good outcome.
  19. Cool. I've done Rainier before, so that is lowest on my to do list, but would like to do Stuart and Glacier most.
  20. Anybody interested?
  21. Yeah, good on him for finishing is quest. I guess I was trying to ask if the 50 included Denali?
  22. I have June 26th to July 5th off and I want to climb some shit moving from South to North. 1.) Start at Rainier, tick her off via the DC on June 26th via a one day push. 2.) Get to Glacier Peak, take a leisurely approach (~ 10 miles) to the climb on the 27th to recoup from Rainier. 3.) Climb Glacier and back to car on 28th. 4.) Climb Stuart 29th/30th. 5.) Dick around Washington Pass/leavenworth 1st and 2nd. Liberty Bell, SEWS, cragging, etc. 6.) Climb Baker 3rd and 4th of July. 7.) July 5th, go home. Anybody interested in any or all of this? Clearly weather will disrupt the schedule and cross things off.
  23. He's done Rainier and Denali but needs help on camping at Hood?
  24. How much technical experience do you have? I would do either Ptarmagin Traverse or Pickett Traverse, preferably Pickett.
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