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Posts posted by Johnny_Tuff

  1. Hahaha. You get that drafing certificate yet? The proceeds from that should keep you well stocked in the obscure comic books, "Mother Jones" articles, and bad punk music that constituted the foundation for your perspective on the world.


    Thank heavens! Our Christ-like sprayvior returns from a near-eternity of absence to lead us out of the desert of our own ignorance with a scathing-yet-refreshing bitch-slap of withering condescension.


    Hit me, baby, one more time! Oh, it hurts so good, I can hardly stand it!

  2. Yep I agree the whole thing is a stupid waste of time. He should have realized that it would have to morph into witch hunt.


    If by "witch hunt" you mean "perfectly reasonable inquiry into potentially illegal activities initiated from the highest echelon of the administration," and by "waste of time" you mean "what better way to spend a sunny Spring afternoon," then, yeah, that sounds about right.


    Who's got the marshmallows? I hear there's going to be a burning Bush at the White House.

  3. The only other point I'll make is that [blah blah blah]


    Oh, oh please don't go! This fascinating discussion just wouldn't be the same without your priceless contributions! Maybe you're just taking a break to consult a few reference texts before returning to drop another informational firebomb on this Dresden of a thread.


    Oh, we can only wait and hope...what to do until JayB returns, what to do until JayB returns?! Oh, I can hardly stand it. I need a cup of Sensitivioso au lait to calm my shipwrecked nerves! cry.gif

  4. That DFA was the shit. Fucking A, I hope he isn't dead or something. I hear the medical profession has a high rate of substance abuse and suicide.


    Perhaps if DFA was here, he would tell us, as the great GURU of Gang Starr once said:

    don't be mad 'cause I don't come around the way

    like I used to--I don't have time these days


    I'm too busy makin' power moves

    and don't try to say I don't remember you


    you shouldn't let your jealousy show like that

    I stopped comin' by, 'cause of the way you act




    Fuckin' A, here's to good ol' DFA: bigdrink.gif

  5. The sport routes in Kolob Canyon in Zion (northern part of the park) are awesome; definitely worth seeing even if you can't/don't climb them (one of them is ".10d"--basically 5.9+ the whole way, steep with enormous holds. The .12a, Namaste, is amazing, too--no moves harder than .11-, but it's overhanging for 14 bolts--takes two ropes to get off, although a 70 could do it, but don't quote me on that). Nice enough hike, too, although I dunno what Zion's dog policy is.

  6. WTF? http://climbing.com/news/press/jtreturns/


    First, convicted pyromaniac Jonathan Thesenga is back at Climbing (after pooping out a sneaky Smith Rock guidebook about 5 minutes before Watts' book comes out). Second, Matt Samet leaves R&I to go back to Climbing? What's up with this incestuous interbreeding?


    Maybe Matt Samet should just take out a loan and buy both mags and turn them into one snarling, vituperous, sprayfest of a publication. Climattsameting? Rockmatt & Sametice? The Samet Foundation Journal of Climbing and Other Eating Disorders?

  7. Googling around, it looks like there's acres of unexplored tuff out that way. Although, it's probably all so much choss, but some of it looked pretty cool.

  8. Word up. You think the D-O-double-jizzle has a prob'm wit' scurvey? Fuck naw, matey!




    Lee Iacocca wouldn't roll with that, my nizzle-izzle!

  9. Whoah, whoah, whoah. Hold the phone!


    Distinctly insensitive remark there, Mr. DeC!


    Moderators! Moooooderators! Hey! Please save us from this abominable dis-sensitivitude! cry.gif

  10. fact is people have been enslaving, subjugating and murdering eachother for centuries. not just whites against blacks in one short span of history.


    Oh, well, then we should certainly ignore the possibility that this despicable practice may have had any negative impact on social conditions in our country.


    I heard a saying once that the US and Europe could never see eye to eye because Americans think 100 years is a long time, and Europeans think 100 miles is a long distance.

  11. We need to reach out and involve middle-management. I think if we re-organize the work teams and add a mid-week scheduling meeting, we can boost morale, improve productivity, and create a more team-focused approach. Now, let's take a vote on which new scan/copy/fax/e-mail machine to buy so we can distribute our meeting minutes to the satellite offices!

  12. I'm just a normal guy who likes to climb like everybody else. I don't have any problems with any of you guys.



    Funny, then, how you wrote this:


    " this site, however, seems like it's filled with a bunch of egotistical idiots.


    and she's not alone in her sentiments. most of the climbers i know think this site is full of BS too."


    Really, though, who doesn't think this is a BS site filled with a bunch of egotistical idiots? Those are the only reasons I bother posting here! Maybe it's because I hate climbing, I hate other people, and I hate myself.

  13. An urban-dwelling bird of the Pacific Northwest, black with white patches on the wings, which feeds on the dropped food remnants found in abundance around the region's many taco carts, stands, and trucks.

  14. (Because it's more acceptable to be anti-gay than racist.)


    Ah, I don't think gay people as a group have historically suffered the degree or quantity of indignity that blacks have, either. At least I don't think the KKK was out rounding up queers to lynch...

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