This has always stuck with me. I was on that route a week prior to Leubben. The last repel is locked in my memory. Partner and I had to do something kind of sketchy. The rope wouldn't make it completely over the schrund, so we had to kick off the wall, jump the moat, and drop off the end of the rope a couple of feet from its edge. It was only a small drop off the rope. I didn't think much of it. In fact, it was even. But then I remember hearing that someone died at that exact spot. I was young at the time...easy to dismiss it and chalk it up to user error. But, the older I get...the more my past decisions get reframed, and really terrify me. How did I survive the learning curve? No god damn idea. All this to say that most of us on this forum have been in a situation that we survived that others didn't. Surprise has nothing to do with it. But empathy makes me feel the loss. Because it could have easily been me. Should have been me.