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Everything posted by knotzen

  1. She says it well.
  2. Three inches of fat is three inches of fat. I'm talking about subjectively placing people in derogatory categories because of their ancestry. Besides, if someone calls you fat, say "I may be fat, but you're ugly, and I can lose weight."
  3. The other day I heard an interview of black women talking about whether they would vote for Barak Obama or Hillary Clinton. One young woman said she wouldn't trust Clinton to watch out for her needs as a black American woman because Clinton is a white woman. The black woman had a bigoted mindset that separated "white woman" into a category that was naturally separate from and antagonistic to her own "category." So yeah, "reverse racism" is fucked up, too. I'm with you on that.
  4. Exactly. And black culture is trying to change that. Which is why this doesn't help. But you're not looking at the big picture, dood.
  5. How many thousands of years is your soul willing to suffer through that kind of personal responsibility? Because it is not new, that. How long do you expect me to live?! It's not a personal "race guilt" for me. American society has evolved over the years so that public evidence of hating people who are African/slave descendants is not the accepted norm. In my grandfather's generation there would be some dissent over this sort of thing; a generation or two before, little or none at all. Now there is. Personally I want to see that evolution continue.
  6. Oh puh-lease. That is incredibly disingenuous. Give me a fucking break. He's referring to the natural hair quality of Americans of African descent, in a derogatory way. And he's specifically implying that a black woman is as good as a whore. Of course it's OK to mock Condie rice in the style as posted by KBoner a few weeks back. That didn't seem to bother you one bit, now did it? She's regularly blasted by lefties, denigrated, mocked and given no respect - and it is done in a sexist, racist manner. And she's done a lot more with her life - with many more achievements - than a college basketball player. Didn't see it.
  7. Nah. Bigotry and racial hatred are too real and destructive, Erik. But I've said my piece; y'all go on blithely skipping through life, now.
  8. Oh puh-lease. That is incredibly disingenuous. Give me a fucking break. He's referring to the natural hair quality of Americans of African descent, in a derogatory way. And he's specifically implying that a black woman is as good as a whore. I'd fire his ass. It's not about the "hypersensitivity" of American culture or any other issue. It's about making bigoted remarks about black Americans in the media. If he works with any black people, I would also sue him for creating a hostile work environment. Given the history of black-white relations in America, it's not OK to talk this way in a public (privately owned) media, and on the job. Unless you work for the KKK or Aryan fucking Nations. Personally, his taste in clothes alone should get him slammed.
  9. Will the persecution of people of African slave descent in America ever die? WTF??? When will cultural norms shoot down the public bigotry and mysogny that would never be tolerated by white men? I couldn't care less about Imus or who is saying this shit on the radio. It's the persistence of the sentiments and beliefs, a century and a half after the end of slavery, and decades after the end of Jim Crow, after the end of segregation, after the passage of the Civil Rights laws, that make me sick over the nastiness and pretension of racial and physical superiority of people. Disgust.
  10. knotzen

    the queens of spray

    Thank gods, this thread dropped down to page 3 of the past 24 hours list. I was getting tired of it.
  11. Which fish is your friend?
  12. knotzen

    the queens of spray

    Ohhhhh! I Otter give that little one a little cuddle. Mwwwwaa!
  13. knotzen

    the queens of spray

    That was on a private climb of Mt. Thompson, so Mountie rules didn't apply. Damn, you can almost smell the sweat...
  14. knotzen

    the queens of spray

    Not hott. More like "cute."
  15. knotzen

    the queens of spray

    The latter, of course.
  16. knotzen

    the queens of spray

    All my recent pics are in latex and leather. And my old ones are shorts over polypro.
  17. Um, dood, I didn't read the rules. Were they clearly posted in a public place, next to the disclosures on hourly and overtime wages? And officer, may I please see your badge? Besides, I know half of those fishes well. 8D
  18. OT: hot fishing guys
  19. knotzen


    OK, I quit.
  20. knotzen


    OTOH, they're doing something to effect the change they want to see. That's cool.
  21. knotzen


    Oh, sheesh. In that case, what they're doing is kinda dumb, but I understand that peeps want to get the message out to stop the war. I heard on NPR an interview with one of the leaders of the group that "occupied" the offices of Sen. Cantwell, Sen. Murray, etc., last week. She pointed out that they don't expect that particular action to have an effect, per se, but the overall purpose is to bring attention to the effort to stop the war. But yeah, this effigy-burning seems kind of sophomoric, then.
  22. knotzen


    I dunno. I expect that if my city and country were occupied under similar conditions, I would come to hate/fear the combat troops on the ground, who are responsible for going door-to-door to secure the area, the people who daily make decisions about who lives, who dies, because they carry the weapons. I'm not sure which would be more rational, but I think focusing a fair amount of your hatred on the physical, local representatives of the occupying power would be a natural response. And I expect that I also would partake in subversive measures to take back my country.
  23. knotzen

    the queens of spray

    Shit! I thought Archie was a guy!
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