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Everything posted by knotzen

  1. And I'm removing my cheeks from the discussion. They are hereafter off-limits.
  2. You forgot the "Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!"
  3. knotzen


    Besides that, he's a liar. I think he actually works for Yahoo!
  4. Pink-cheeked? WTF? BRB, my mom says breakfast is ready.
  5. Ba-da-ting! And ladies and gentlemen, for our next act...
  6. Look who's talkin'. Issacraw Issacraw = cool
  7. Besides, you wouldn't know a REAL girl if she bit you in the ass. Which, she wouldn't. But, you know, I'm just saying...
  8. Sultan: the armpit of Snohomish County.
  9. Fuck you, you fucking fuck power tool, Alex! I just checked, and I *am* a girl (well, heh heh, a woman). It even says so in my profile: "girlie." See? Huh? See that? "G-i-r-l-i-e." And I'm not a FAKE girl, either, if you catch my drift. But, now, a lady I ain't. So stop with your slanderous gender lies.
  10. Dudes, you're gonna make me get eyestrain. Go back to talking about sheep, will ya? Or
  11. True, but heck, I went to the Alderwood Mall REI to look at leather climbing boots? They didn't carry a single pair. Only climbing boots they had were one kind of plastic boot. WTF?! If you go the REI route, go to the "flagship" store in Seattle. That said, I did just buy a pair of rock shoes at REI, because they were the closest store, and maybe the only one open on a Friday night. I'm actually going to be returning them b/c they didn't work well--they didn't make me a better climber.
  12. That technique comes in handy, every once in a while.
  13. Hey, you know about the Flying Spaghetti Monster diety theory, too?
  14. I would have more patience with the ID folks if they would acknowledge that God is a She. That just throws me off altogether. (Stirrin' the pot.)
  15. In otterspeak that means, "Good god, is it Monday already?!"
  16. Otterly, otterly, I say unto you: meesa yousa yousa meesa!
  17. Ah, the old needle-under-the-fingernail trick.
  18. knotzen


    The phrase I'm sick of: "at the end of the day,..." Every time a talking head uses it on the radio, like, 4 times in an interview, I scream. Really, I scream.
  19. BTW, look at the biceps on Jar-Jar. I bet he'd make a good rock climber.
  20. Besides, Spumoni said "poop" first. That just kind of set the tone.
  21. Well, I couldn't attribute it to malice... I'm just kidding, Olyclimber. It's a wonderful little thread, full of meaning and joi de vivre. Not hardly utterly stupid at all. Friends?
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