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Posts posted by knotzen

  1. At least my choice of emoticons was appropriate, not even knowing the story.




    Man, I don't even like climbing in shorts--scrapes and scratches and bruised-apple knees.

  2. Sorry--no offense. And, not that it's bad to be rich. Wish I wuz!


    To me, $85/mo. is steep for a gym membership. Guess it depends on where else you spend your money. I suppose it's not much more than some people pay for cable and Netflix each month? And throw in designer haircuts and manicures--again, I dunno--I don't pay for these things, but they would add up to more than $85/mo., likely. I sit corrected--it's relative.

  3. I don't think lard is used much these days, in mainstream America.

    Most mexican restaraunts make wide use of lard. Not sure why it's such a big deal - butter makes everything better!

    Yeah, I see it in the Hispanic food section of supermarkets.


    Wonder which has more saturated fat--lard or butter? I bet Google knows!

  4. They have a choice between hydrogenated vegetable oil (Crisco) which is rich in trans-fatty acids, or or lard which is rich in saturated fat. Another option is to use paraffin. hellno3d.gif

    Or, just stay the heck away from the vending machine! cantfocus.gif

  5. No leather for you, eh?

    Bait! grin.giffruit.gif


    I changed my mind on vegetarianism, so now I eat and wear animal parts. snaf.gif


    My point was that Hostess is missing out on some potential market share because they use lard in their donettes. And, it just seems weird to have animal parts in a "pastry," you know? I don't think lard is used much these days, in mainstream America.

  6. Years ago, when I was a vegetarian, I discovered that Hostess chocolate-covered donuts contain beef fat (lard).


    I just bought some from the vending machine at work (hey, it's not my fault--the cafeteria wasn't open yet!), and they still contain beef fat.


    Weird. With all the vegetarians, vegans, Hindus, and beefaphobics in American society, you'd think by now they would be using some other fat source. wazzup.gif


    Or maybe they count on peeps not reading the label.

  7. Not to pick nits, but you can only have one duplicate of an item, Oly. What you mean is (trust me, I read minds) "a few things I have sextuplicates or septuplicates of."


    But what you really mean is (see above) "a few things of which I have sextuplicates or septuplicates."


    Oops! Wrong forum. Carry on.

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