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Posts posted by knotzen

  1. Those raccoons will not cuddle in the same way that your Enumclaw sheep does.


    A skunk licked me in Zion last month....I wonder what was on his mind?





  2. sobo..you sail too?? Maybe you are my kinda guy! A sailboat guy that is! I was raised on a boat for the first 5 years of my life! I now have my own little Cat!!


    I have a cat, too. Well, actually, I DID have a cat, but she peed all over the house, and I took her to Humane Society, and they "put her to sleep." cry.gif

  3. My girlfriend is a total chubby chaser!! she's a thin, hot chick..and she only likes chubby men! Everyone teases her about it too. she seriously...won't give fit men the time of day! Pretty entertaining really!!


    Well, there's more to, um, hold onto, I imagine.

  4. OK, I'm heading out for a bike ride. fruit.gif get a life, you all!!!


    and believe it or not... "life" does not equate "high post-count on CC.com"!



    Dude. No shit. Keep wading.

  5. Actually, if I must tell the truth, I am a successful surgeon and I post in between operations. They only schedule one or two a day, you know, so I have plenty of time.


    And I don't really need to work--I'm fabulously wealthy. I just do it because I like cutting up people, and this way can do it legally.

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