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Posts posted by knotzen

  1. I DID have a cat, but she peed all over the house, and I took her to Humane Society, and they "put her to sleep." cry.gif


    YOWSA!!! A bit extreme, wouldn't you say? Couldn't you have have put an ad in Pet Finder, Animal Friends, or Best Friends?

    Check out any one of those on the web next time, before you release the guillotine...


    I didn't know they were going to do that. They only put down, OK, kill pets that they think will not have a chance at being adopted.


    I had taken her to the vet to see if this was a health problem or behavioral, and the vet said there were indications she had liver issues (elevated liver enzymes, which I didn't understand). After a round of antiobiotics to try to address the liver problems, the vet was going to have me put her on Prozac, but she wasn't a cat I could pick up and push a pill down her throat, and she wouldn't eat food that had the pill mashed up in it. So that didn't appear to be a viable option.


    Humane Society said they would do a complete health evaluation. When I called a couple of weeks later to see if she had been placed (I was very much hoping she could/would be placed in a home where she could be outdoors or in/outdoors), they said she had multiple significant health problems and had been euthanized.


    I was really shocked. She didn't deserve to die. I hadn't expected they would do that. But, I know that their whole purpose for existence is to protect animals, so her conditions must have been more extreme than my vet had been able to discover. I asked for information on her conditions, so I could try to feel like maybe I did the right thing, taking her in there, but they never called back. I finally figured, it's done, and it wouldn't change anything if I knew.


    Before that, I had tried to find her a home through craigslist, but my vet strongly discouraged me from placing her somewhere without telling about her urination problem, b/c she might end up being abused for it. And who wants a cat who pees on your couch, your clothes, your sleeping bag, right in front of you?


    I had called NOAH in Arlington, Homeward Pets (where I adopted Lucy from), and Purrfect Pals to see if they had resources for finding an outdoor home for her, and only NOAH replied, saying they only work with pets who come directly from shelters, who would otherwise be euthanized (which, it turns out, was precisely Lucy's situation).


    Purrfect Pals in Arlington is a true 100% no-kill cat shelter, but I did some volunteer work there once and it's really a pretty horrible life for a cat. They have a house converted to a "cat house," and hundreds of cats live there. It's just astounding--cats everywhere, and even though they clean the place every morning, by the next morning it's a pig sty--food and vomit and excrement on the floor, b/c they take cats they have the worst health problems. I didn't think Lucy would be happy there. Poor Lucy. cry.gif It took me a couple of weeks to fully realize she was really gone from the earth. I feel pretty shitty about it, actually.

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