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Everything posted by knotzen

  1. I'm highly skilled at hunting down chocolate.
  2. We'll make an exception for you, guy-with-a-girl's-name. Just because...you're special.
  3. knotzen


    Yesss, master.
  4. I went for a hikey-walkey on the Iron Horse at Exit 38 today--too damn wet for climbin', that's fer shure. Unless you like slick rock.
  5. Would any of you regulars be willing to make the trek to the lovely Eastside for a Pub Club, once or occasionally? Any Eastsiders who might represent if you didn't have to drive over the bridge to Seattle? There's a smoke-free bar, the Pumphouse, in Bellevue, easy access off I-405, and there's the Rogue brewery in Issaquah. Where else...? I won't call/host one unless I get feedback that peeps would come. So, let me know.
  6. Ooh boy, you're asking for trouble.
  7. Does he have to change his name to Neil Old now?
  8. Anyone going to this? I could maybe use a drink tonight. And for a good cause (remember when they almost shut down a few years ago? ).
  9. Thanks, all--I appreciate your input. I think I'll just go snowshoeing. Heh, kidding. I think I'll go ahead and take the skiing lessons for now, and maybe later take a series of snowboarding lessons.
  10. Holy Snafflehound. Some people wouldn't know humor if it bit them in their one-piece-ski-outfitted ass.
  11. I searched on the topic and didn't find anything recent. Dude should use identifiable subjects! Besides, I'm a spray fiend, only a freshiezone wannabe. But thanks for the link, and the info.
  12. Post *Deleted* because it exceeds the trash-talk quota for Thursday, 11/10/05.
  13. I'm going to do the Stevens Pass 1-2-3 ski/board lesson deal (3 drop-in lessons, w/ rental and bunny slope ski pass). I can't decide whether to do skiing or boarding. I've been downhill skiing twice, about 15 years ago, so it doesn't really count (some XC, which kind of bores me). Essentially I don't know enough about either to decide. Boarders do seem more cool. Is boarding really easier to learn? I have a tweaky lower back--would boarding be harder on my back? OTOH, all the falling you do while learning to ski isn't great on a back, either. What things should I consider?
  14. His "delicate detecting unit"...I've never heard it called *that* before.
  15. "LODGES, SOCIETIES, SOCIAL AGENCIES USING THE BIBLE and GOD AS A BASIS BUT OMITTING THE BLOOD ATONEMENT OF JESUS CHRIST Umbrella Commission, Counsel on Foreign Relations, Buildergurgers, Rockerfellers, Rothchilds Group, Masons, the Skull and Bones, and the Trilaterial Commission (The New World Order)" CC.com?
  16. Celery. And 5.8 routes.
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