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Posts posted by knotzen

  1. When I was 8, my family was in California visiting my grandparents. There was a playground close to their house, and my brother and I were over there playing, with some other kids, one Saturday afternoon.


    My brother was passing time by piling sand on the down side of a heavy, metal see-saw, then going to the other side, pushing down hard, and making the sand fly.


    Yours truly had the grace and wits to stand next to the side flying up into the air, I turned my head, and it smacked into my mouth. F*ck! Since it was Saturday, we had to call a dentist in from home to fix me up. Over the years I've had numerous falsies on my front "teeth."


    But I've never broken a bone. How cool is that?

  2. Don't know if these are too old-skool to be worth anyone's while, but I'm not using them; figgered I'd see if there was any interest.




    Camp Hummingbird ice tool - $40

    3 ice screws (titanium? can't recall) - $10 ea.


    Sorry for the poor pic quality--my camera doesn't like nighttime.


    PM me if interested.

  3. knotzen,


    what'd you do your MA on?

    I researched the history of growth-management initiatives in the Puget Sound region, starting with the population/housing boom set off by World War II, through the Growth Management Act of 1990. My conclusion was that the main impetus behind most if not all growth-management efforts in the area was the protection of the "quality of life" the region offers.


    Makes for great bedtime reading. yellowsleep.gif

  4. As long as they have, you know, that magic tongue thing going. I mean, we all have standards, right?


    Please have a seat right here.. wave.gif

    Actually, it's sort of embarrassing... it's... my feet. I like to, um, have my feet licked...? blush.gifhahaha.gifbigdrink.gif

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