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Everything posted by knotzen

  1. knotzen

    Lost: $80,000

    If you're in guvmint, I think you can write it off as a tax deduction.
  2. I thought Obama was the new crack. Barak Obama fixed your car
  3. I will be hangin' out at Dallas/FW Airport on Monday afternoon for a couple of hours!!! PM me and we'll work out the details!!!
  4. And, you have to get up and do something else briefly. That way it counts as a second sitting.
  5. Er, your country or mine?
  6. fine then!! you are so bossy Don't make me come over there and spank you for your impertinence. Hm, it's back.
  7. And "anal" and "leakage" are two words that should never be used consecutively.
  8. Did you find jebus? Are you kidding? I didn't find Hey-sus in a burnt biccy--I found him in a potato!
  9. When they're playin' with the goats?
  10. A "carriage house," or any house in Seattle, doesn't come with a decent-sized piece of land. To get land, or an affordable house, you have to buy out in the ex-urbs, and add your car to the 30-mile + daily commute into the city. (If you're a typical Western Washingtonian.) A weird system we humans have created.
  11. We may soon have affordable rentals. Or empty, landlord-less houses to squat in for free. Woo-hoo!
  12. knotzen

    New Female Posters

    If womyn had penises we wouldn't be having this silly conversation.
  13. Stick around, we'll fix that Yeah, I've missed you nasty people.
  14. Word. glad to see you back here Knotzen!!! Oh geez, you guys really can see me. But while I was away, they took away my All Woman, or Real Woman, or Whole Lotta Woman, or whatever, status... Now I'm just a regular ol' Poo-bah.
  15. It's all clean now. Another rule of cooking: clean as you go.
  16. High heels are useful for social climbing.
  17. Those heels look more comfortable than my climbing shoes.
  18. Everything's better with Blue Bonnet on it.
  19. You can see me? It's easy. No one else around here dancing while wearing only a bow and an exclamation point. Mreorrrw! Another rule of cooking: there's more than one way to skin a cat.
  20. Silently spying on y'all.
  21. Don't, I mean, never, fry naked.
  22. It makes me believe in castration. Of the penis, not the testicles (or, not only). That would be a fine punishment. And perhaps, cut off his hands. Death is too good for people who abuse children.
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