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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. I used to drive 40 minutes to a marshaling yard and then another hour to an hour and a half into the bush when I was logging years ago. I used to come home so late I would meet myself going to work the next morning

  2. My mom kind of took some hairdressing courses or her dad was a barber or something so she figured that it was a good idea to save a little cash and massacre my head on a regular basis. I don't even want to think of those days. I used to wear hot towels on my head to try to get it to grow back faster. There was blood allover the place my fucking earlobes were just hanging there sometimes. You could hear the screaming all over the block.Traumatic times for a young buck. I dated lots of hair dressers after that....female ones of course.... smileysex5.gifyellaf.gif

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