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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. In Quebec they smoke as if it is a cure for cancer,

    it was not that long ago that nurses smoked at nursing stations and in the corridors etc. maybe 15 years ago, we've come a long way but in asia everyone smokes

  2. We don't cut down trees, we sold all our forest companies to you guys and the Japanese so that we can blame all this shit on someone else. Then we sell raw logs overseas and the foreign owned companies that own the mills here shut them dowm its called private enterprise.

  3. No matter what the cranial volume..... a male is a male... and will usually fuck the first thing that allows him to. As long as he is fairly sure that he won't get caught. Just admit it Gary you are a whore. Always have been.

    For that matter women are usually pretty well the same

    People just love to fuck and there is nothing wrong with that. Deep down we all posess a reptilian mind that makes us what we are and anything that changes that is repression. Hmmm not bad for a Friday morning I think I'll go have some breaky

  4. Hey, can we forget Gary for a minute, and get back to short, underpaid guys with hot tongues? Think we can do that? Huh? THANK you!


    Now, where were we... grin.gif


    Sounds good to me!!

    I didn't mean it that way...

    Not that I am that short or underpaid... moon.giftongue.gif

  5. I saw the road show version in Nanaimo and enjoyed it although It was a little heavy on the skiing aspect and light on the adventure end of things for my tastes. I like more mountaineering and adventure than watching some rich kids doing heli drops to go snowboarding. But all in all it was worth seeing.

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