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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. What a team! In a matter of minutes we have successfully:


    1. Identified a problem (TREETOAD feels guilty and needs punishment)

    2. Identified a solution (knotzen will send someone over to punish TREETOAD)

    3. Implemented the solution (Greta is on his way to Kapow!ie TREETOAD)


    (Why, yes, I am in the process of updating my resume; why do you ask?)


    Would you like a letter of recommendation at at all?

    Your facilition skills are excellent. Do you own a ball gag?

  2. If thats what came out of your ass, do you mind if I have a closer look around in there. I could not agree with you more. The thing is that we do not have to blindly follow the teknotracks of these wankers but these endevours can still be ours under any terms we choose. Not that I want to set out with nought but a cedar bark outfit or anything but there is an indiviual line that we all draw, and deep inside we know what the difference is.

  3. don't shit where you eat




    I agree, I worked as a lift mechanic in a ski area for a couple of seasons and you would expect that it would be a dream job, but after a while it just takes the shine off things when you have to deal with the skiing public all the time. As a result I stopped skiing for about four or five years after that job. It was fun having the ski area to yourself when we went to being open on weekends only and we had some great late seson snowfalls.

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