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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. After the earthquake that destroyed San Fran the first train load of half a million food packs arrived from Southern Cal that evening. The army was at work that afternoon restoring order and preventing looting and in one week there were 250,000 homeless people living in army tents. They had no warning of the disaster, no airplanes, no communications. Quite a comparison to the modern day technologies. I'll bet the people that were living in the tents weren't bitching and complaining about their living conditions either.

  2. I thought three was kind of limp as well but I still watched it, I think that four is out on dvd now. There is another one called Carnival that looks good. It looks kind of kinky in a kinky kind of way. Anyone seen it? I think that it is an HBO production and it was on an ad on the six feet dvd.

  3. Fresh rioting broke out on the outskirts of Paris overnight as gangs of youths challenged authorities' vows to crack down on urban violence that has plagued the French capital for over a week


    It figures that the French would only have fresh rioting each day, none of that stale shit from the day before.

  4. Na. Those teens were out swimming today. I hear the Straits of Juan de Fuca are nice around the Victoria area this time of year. And The Columbia River can be a great swim just downstream from that BC mine that belches mercury blobs into the water. ...Or maybe they were listening to Vancouver talk radio. Oh - that's right; talk radio exists only at the behest of the state in Canada. No Limbaugh's or dissent allowed, I hear. Only state approved pap.


    Treetoad, please pick your fights a little better, and don't ever lecture Americans about press freedom from the safety of your bland, mundane, monochromatic media ether.


    Nice illiteration at least but your content is as one sided as the Gobels style media that you are fed my friend.

    Your country is becoming what it purported to despise not that long ago. Whether or not the majority of your country wants it. Individual freedoms are a danger to the state therefore must be curtailed. Secret prisons (gulags) are a way of life for you. You are spoon fed "news" as fabricated as the excuses for your invasion of Iraq. When someone speaks the truth there is retribution. It's not long for the reeducation camps. CBC gives a very balanced account, not beholden to anyone, including the government.

    As for the rot that you ingest for news, spooned up like so much poison by corporations that represent about .001 % of your population, at best, it's info-tainment.

    1984 has long gone but you are living it. As for rush limbaugh give me a fucking rest. Your example of talk radio is nothing more than republican fundimentalist ranting.

    Bland, mundane, monochromatic media and TRUE is better than flashy, fabricated, falsehoods, and seven second soundbites of shit. You are what you eat.

  5. Although it is nice to linger in a spot and just take it all in. You know, just enjoy the moment, sort of bask in the wrmth. Perhaps Clintoris is just luxuriating in the golden palace

  6. Then it's easier to give directions


    archenemy has the directions tattooed on her ass wink.gif


    what do they say?


    "other side"


    Slippery when wet

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