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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. I shall seek and find you

    I shall put you in bed and have my way with you

    I will make you ache, shake and sweat until you moan

    I will have you begging for me to stop

    I will exhaust you and you will be relieved when I stop

    I will make you weak for days

    All my love

    The Flu wave.gif

  2. Any christmas traditions? Any wierd relatives come to visit? Bizarre stories? Your best present ever? Worst?

    When I was little my mom invited this old poor guy for dinner that she had met on the bus the day before, he had the same last name as us and she took is as some sign. He turned out to pretty cool as I remember. My dad gave him one of his gifts (socks). Anyway he stayed the night at our house and spent boxing day with us as people came to visit. My mom really knew how to keep christmas. Every year she made sure that all the special things got done the same way. I guess that is how traditions happen.

    That christmas always comes to mind when I think of what it is supposed to mean.

    One of the things that we always did on christmas night was listen to A childs christmas in Wales by Dylan Thomas and we do it still. Nowadays my family is more into celebrating the winter solstice because it seems to make more sense, but the christmas thing is still fun to do.

  3. El paso / Juarez now that is hell on earth. we could smell the cattle feed lots from ten miles away. We went over to Juarez and within ten minutes of crossing the bridge some guy came running out of a building with his foot shot half off. We left sonn after that.

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