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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. Is it the same as asphagia?

    My dad had a massive stroke about 18 years ago. Among his inabilities is the power to convey his thoughts in any way. At first we thought that he would be able to write things down or communicate with a letter board but we soon found out that he knows what he wants to say but is unable to put the thoughts into any actions or words. It is a sad state.

  2. I have had a cold that produces snot in biblical proportions for five days and I am ready to take a cordless drill to my nasal passages. I will look for one of these tomorrow. I feel like shite haven,t slept for days.


    I bought one tonight. It provided relief for about 15 minutes, then the snots returned.


    Can I borrow yours?

  3. I have had a cold that produces snot in biblical proportions for five days and I am ready to take a cordless drill to my nasal passages. I will look for one of these tomorrow. I feel like shite haven,t slept for days.

  4. There's an idea. Maybe I'll go shoot something.

    My 357 hasn't been warmed up since Greg_W's bachelor party.


    Any volunteers to run through the woods holding a target above your head?

    I am a pretty good shot.


    take Kevbone

  5. I think he is scared shitless. I thought that he was a bit of a pariah in the Republican party, being of the minority not involved in drug deals and toe tapping and other unseemly misdeeds. It seems that he was picked for point man because he is the last man standing. I liked him a few years ago when he was actually questioning the invasion etc. Maybe that is the real McCain and the one that is before you now is just another puppet of the money men.

    I heard that his wife is stinking rich, perhaps she put him up to it, and all he wants is to go golfing and fuck about at home in his workshop. Who knows?

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