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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. You mean aside from making an accurate call about our trillion dollar debacle?


    Her "handlers" prepared whatever statement/teleprompter she read from.


    but then how did those handlers know it would be a debacle???

    they were rooting for failure.



    So the republicans are losing their war in Iraq because of all the negative vibes emanated by the people that foretold the obvious. That is pretty airy fairy for a staunch whatever you are.

  2. Anyway after the Bush and his crew the antichrist would be a godsend. Besides that Obama has no chance now that he threw a gutter ball..a gutter ball for christ sakes...who could vote for him now?

  3. My faulty memory ascribes the reference to Nostradamus' verse which includes the description of a "blue turban".


    This just means that he could be a greeter at an iranian walmart

  4. With the economy collapsing there will be plenty more unemployed people to join the armed forces!! another republican conspiracy uncovered!! They must have planned this whole thing!


    cool, let's invade Canada and make it a territory with no voting rights.


    we already are, if you consider the shitheal we have for a PM, save your money for a nice public health care system.

  5. "all these things: compassion, charity, patience, forgiveness, joy; these do not belong to religion. One does not need religion to understand or practice them. They are simply the expressions of what it is to be human."



    Cool. Eventually it all comes down to this.


  6. Hey, can't someone paste that hawtee in her undies up there on future beacon? Been a while since we've seen "what he wakes up to"... Or at least what he used to wake up to...


    :lmao: where is he now?

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