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Posts posted by TREETOAD


    Is your avatar what I think it is? Or is it just a Georgia O'Keeffe painting?


    I believe the avatar is a picture of a border collie's face

  1. I am now officially on vacation for the next four weeks. I have been drinking rum and shall continue to drink rum until August 17 at midnight. I intend to drink rum in three states and two provinces.


    I shall drink on the beaches, I shall drink on the landing grounds, I shall drink in the fields and in the streets, I shall drink in the hills; I shall never be sober, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving for rum or ice, then our liquor cabinet, beyond the seas, paid for by the government liquor store, would supply me , until, in God's good time, the vacation ends, and my hangover with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old liver.


    GOP post-surge withdrawal timeline = Mission Accomplished.

    DNC post-surge withdrawal timeline = Admitting Defeat.


    That's because the Dems promoted defeat from the start. Even Obama has changed his tune about the surge and is now busy trying to erase what he said last year.



  3. I don't see this the same way at all. This wasn't an offensive battle launched by commanders trying to win by a war of attrition. This was 200 insurgents launching a surprise attack against a forward base, and being repelled. :tup:


    you are of course, supposing that the story is true..

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