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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. Meanwhile, a Republican congressman suggested, in an interview published Saturday, that the election of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama will mean a victory for Al-Qaeda and other radical Islamists.


    "I will tell you that, if he is elected president, then ... the Al-Qaeda, the radical Islamists and their supporters, will be dancing in the streets in greater numbers than they did on September 11 because they will declare victory in this war on terror," Representative Steve King of Iowa told the Daily Reporter newspaper.

  2. On the other hand when you can make dinner in fifteen minutes and just throw away the packaging instead of doing the dishes what is the point of getting married?




    this is a question that everyone should seriously contemplate before saying "i do"


    just funnin ya

  3. Fast food made it possible for women to have the time to think.

    This fissure in the continuum has created havoc for the last fifty years. The next thing was that they wanted to work. Then educate themselves. The next thing you know your kids are being brought up like cattle in day care centres and your wife is giving you shit for not helping around the house because she is all tired from working all day.

    On the other hand when you can make dinner in fifteen minutes and just throw away the packaging instead of doing the dishes what is the point of getting married?




  4. It seems elections are won or lost on the stupid shit and no one really pays attention to the important stuff like Hmmm is this party torturing people? How did this party do when it came to making decisions after natural disasters, or did this party take the country to war on lies.

    What is important is does this guys name sound islamic? or does this guy have fallopian tubes?

  5. And "anal" and "leakage" are two words that should never be used consecutively.


    fine then!! you are so bossy :battlecage::crazy:


    :anger: Don't make me come over there and spank you for your impertinence. :grlaf:



    Hm, it's back. :):moondance:


    Lets get a room!! ;)

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