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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. What about hidden cameras in the mens room? Will Larry Craig be there?


    There are 'hidden' cameras on nearly all street corners in both cities. Police Helicopters are constantly overhead, though not nearly as bad as they were in my neighborhood for the critical mass on Friday. There have been many house raids focused on an anarchist group (according to mainstream media), though some have also been on independant reporters. Lots of buses on the highway between mpls/stpaul have been stopped for random searches. All let go in the end, I believe.


    From reading both mainstream and indy media it seems as if there is a lot of police intimidation by circling various gatherings with riot gear, whether peaceful 'family' events or potential violent situations.


    Should be interesting to hear how today plays out. I will be working all day. Not sure if I want to go down tomorrow. There is some good music playing on the capitol lawn, though.




    Sounds like China to me.

  2. McCain and Palin are already visiting the gulf coast



    probably want to be the first in line for a new wide screen TV and some of that free beer that guy had last time.


    P.athetic, O.ld W.hiteguy

  3. Decreasingly short period of time.


    When the breaker is tripped, find out what equipment is affected (off). Unplug what you think might be the largest load, ie a lazer printer, refrigerator, or some other load and reset the breaker. See if that helps. Microwaves and kettles in offices are notorious. Breakers will get weak after multious trips and it may have to be replaced, but it sounds as if the circuit is slightly over loaded. If the tripping circuit is the only one in the room then you will have to either have another circuit pulled in or move some equipment in to another room.

  4. Are you better off now than you were 8 years ago?


    Did someone fly planes into the twin towers and the pentagon previous to 8 years ago? The world has changed. That our way of life is relatively unchanged is quite remarkable as I see it.


    Most people do not believe that this actually happened, just like the lunar landing.

  5. Yeah, but I don't start till Tuesday and then the weekend after is labour day. So two four day weeks in a row to ease me in ain't too bad. I drank lots of gin and vodka and only a bit of rum as it was just too hot to drink rum. I only got to two states and one province, so I am a bit of an underachiever but I had fun.

  6. The boys were hunting while their grandfather waited in a vehicle. Washington law does not require juvenile hunters be accompanied by an adult. WTF???


    A hunting course that a 9 year old can pass? something is wrong here. Does winchester put on the courses?

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