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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. Great job Miker, way to get on it solo.....you have bigger balls than I.
  2. Being "looked at" and actually being done are totally different things. I do know that I and others top roped and cleaned the first pitch well over 10 years ago. Ivan and crew added bolts to a pre done top rope. Oh well....i could care but I and letting it go because I had ten years to go back and do something with it and chose to climb elsewere. I know nothing about the upper pitches so I cant comment. As far as a bolt ladder.....who cares? Seriously? Its not like smith were you can see the bolts. You go Ivan and crew.....ps....the name sucks. :kisss:
  3. Good God....what is wrong with this picture. As someone who has more than a dozen routes to his name I know what Ivan is going through. The reality is Ivan got to it first. It's his climb and his bolts and everyone else gets to screw off and not climb it if you dont like it. Period, end of story. Putting up climbs is strictly first come first serve basis. Ivan....I know from firsthand knowledge that you are not going to please everyone. Be proud you found a way up the north side of Beacon. The storm will blow over soon enough...... JH...the old "those bolts were put in long time ago" straw man argument does not work here or anywhere. I have always thought it is bullshit that in the 80’s and 90’s climbers could add bolts at Beacon but you would get a shit storm if you bolted and arête in current times. What a crock…….i want to put up several climbs at Beacon that most likely would need bolts. Most of the reason I have not is not my family. It is because of my respect for Jim and his ideas about Beacon. I have replaced one anchor (Jensens ridge) at Beacon. That is the only time I have ever even brought my drill to Beacon. And I only did it because Jim asked me too…… JH. I think there is an Infinite bliss thread out there to spread your climbing ideas on. It is the same thing you are pushing here.
  4. Do you think anyone of these guys could climb the soup. [video:youtube]
  5. Off....this is spray. I just wanted an excuse to post some Slayer.... and I have a 4 and 2 year old. lol.
  6. what if you post someone else swearing? Or their content is bad? [video:youtube]
  7. OK you smarty pants dems....how much of this is a lie? [video:youtube]
  8. What about PM's? Is it acceptable to tell someone to "fuck off" in a PM? should the mods be giving time outs for that?
  9. Yes....for Tommy Caldwell only.
  10. Another rad vid and this one has one of our own....Ryan Palo..... [video:youtube] Make sure to watch the very end!
  11. "it goes boys" - Lynn Hill
  12. I have climbed it. it goes at around 10+ with one pin. burly start and finish.
  13. I hated the wrap until I learned how to use it. Once I learned I used it all the time and never touched the ergo again.
  14. A man who's left side was completely cut off was admitted to the Hospital: He's all right now!
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