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Everything posted by empire

  1. Well now you decide to come around. I'm glad you agree with me on this and will desist from your vilification of inanimate objects. I on the other hand will reserve judgment until at which point they decide to let us in the details of this incident, which may or may not include warning signs exhibited by the perpetrator that our free-thinking, everybody's okay, anti-security society is generally apt to ignore, until it's too late.
  2. Where was "effective personal security" while a homocidal maniac was allowed to run around campus for 3 HOURS, while our dear naive children wandered around, having been sheltered since birth from all violent realities--taught through Hollywood depravity that violence is little more than entertainment? The NY Times reports:
  3. God bless the victims and may He welcome their souls. Tragedy strikes us where we are softest and can be hurt the most. Have to agree and personally I think it's sad that in these days, the average man or woman in this country doesn't have the slightest idea how to operate a firearm, let alone defend their right to security. Makes you wonder just how "bad" it would be to ship a few million of our new generation over to the near-eastern theater for a little weapons training... might even be a little safer (as it seems). I just wonder what kind of firepower they're willing to put in the hands of the shepherds, in the interest of keeping the peace.
  4. This is clearly an example of too much gun control in this country--if each and every student were packing, I mean we'd only be talking about a couple of gun murders here. In fact, we in the Righteous Wing will now reverse our position on the weapons programs of Iran and North Korea--the right to keep and bear arms, after all, is God-given.
  5. Good for getting pumped up let's see, Van Halen does the trick, other times stuff like Green Day is good for climbing hard. My gym is always playing this random indie wanna-pop stuff, it's so tiresome.
  6. ...difference in difficulty between a 5.8 and 5.9 is not four times less than that between 5.10a and 5.11a... The only way you would be able to do math like this on ratings is if they were based on at least one measurable variable, which they are not. There is no mathematical basis behind ratings or the numbers used in them. Oh really. Well why do we even have ratings then? Obviously somebody thinks they correlate pretty well with changes in difficulty. Some negative folks around here...
  7. Sure you can climb any way you want. It just depends on how dishonest you are as a person. Is it okay to speed just because that's your style?
  8. You can believe anything you want, even what some gravy train scientists want you to think. But only some beliefs end up meaning something in the end.
  9. This is all pretty hilarious. As if such a group of idealistic plebeians has any idea how the world of large business works, or any right to tell a man such as Dave Riley how to run his business. Personally I can't wait for lifts on Adams, nobody in Washington really seems to care about it anyway. How many signs point you to Mt. Adams from the Washington side?
  10. empire


    These liberal terrorists are a perfect example of why this country needs shaping up. Will John Kerry be able to ensure peace? Or will he just quit the presidency in protest...
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